what are the consequences of loss
Why do people loss their first language?
what are the solutions
- Language loss mean identity cultural loss
- It is difficult to regenerate a forgotten first language because the brain cannot identify it.
- Linguists estimate that of the approximately 6,500 languages worldwide, about half are endangered because one language is lost every two weeks
- Bilinguals( parents could come from diff. culture)
- The process of inter generational transmission is interrupted, language are not passed on to children
- Learning preference(language imperialism
- Education( in the preschools 3-5 years)
- parents want their children study in English
- Government can establish partial immersion or cultural heritage programs
- Communities can be educated against hostile and racist attitudes
- Second language teachers can promote multiculturalism over assimilation
- Parents should values L1 at home(multiculturalism)
- call home often( 30-minutes conversation once or twice a week can be helpful)
- write in you native Language
- having peers and siblings who continue to speak the L1 is a positive factor for L1 maintenance
Some factors of first language attrition
First language
- People can take place in a global word by bringing their diversities,their unique language and their identities together because acculturation is not mandatory for integration.
- Acculturation(L1loss for L2)
- Assimilation
- Multiculturalism( both L1-L2)
- Immigration( see L2 as a tool to enhance their career and economic develpt.)
- Globalization( brings all the language together)
- urbanization
- Colonization
First language is the language that we were exposed to in early childhood, the one that our parents used to speak with us, most often at home before starting school.
Some new words
what is a language?
- Language is an instrument for communication
- Language is linked with identity
- Language creates identity for its speakers but also identifies their social group membership
- Language carries the cultural values and realities of the nation which in turn they construct the identity
- Language is dynamic and depends on time and space
- Assimilation: a process in which a group of peolple, gradually have abandoned their own language, culture and value and takes on those of another group of people with a different language, culture and value through a period of interaction.
- Acculturation: a process in which changes in language, culture and system of value of group happen through interaction with different language, culture and system of value.
- Urbanization: the process by which more and more people leave the countryside to live in cities
- Globalization: the development of an increasingly integrated global economy marked especially by free flow trade, free flow of capital, and the tapping of cheaper foreign labor markets
- Anomie: social instability resulting from a breakdown of standards an values
First Language Loss