Political System of Canada
1) Queen and Governor General
- Canada is part of the „Commonwealth” Queen is the monarch of Canada
- Queen has no power and has a representative role Governor General represents her in Canada
- Governor General :
- Inaugurates the prime minister
- Calls elections in House of Commons
- Reserve powers crisis: veto a law, fire prime minister and appoint new one
1)Queen and Governer General
2)Executiv Branch
2.1)Prime Minister and Cabinet
3)Legeslativ Branch
3.1)House of Commons
4)Judicial Branch
4.1)Supreme Court
4.2)Federal Court
4.3)Provincial Court
Leading quesiton
"How is the political system constituted in Canada?"
4)Judicial Branch
2)Executiv Branch
3)Legislativ Branch
- interprets the laws
-makes the laws be enforced correctly
- controls the other branches
- controls the government
-discuss and vote the "bills"
-creates or decides the laws
-represent the people
- governance of a state
- executes and enforces the law
- can not pass or interpret the laws
4.1)Supreme Court
3.1) House of Commons
- On top of hierarchy of justice
- Can overrule
o lower ranking courts
o Parliament
- 9 experienced judges
- Hears cases that are against the constitution
2.1)Prime Minister and Cabenet
- 338 elected members, who represent the electoral districts
- Election all 5 years
- Biggest party government; Second biggest party official opposition
- Confidence Motion government loses right to remain in office
- Debate and vote about bills
- Prime Minister head of government
- appoints:
- Judges for supreme court
- Members for senate
- Members of Cabinet
- Commands the military
4.2)Federal Court
- National interests
- Conflict between provinces
o Taxes
o Citizenship
3.2) Senate
- 105 politicians elected by various prime ministers
- Remain in senate until 75th birthday
- Prime Minister appoints replacement of senator
- Approve or veto “bills”
4.3) Provincial Court
- Criminal prosecutions
- Traffic accidents
- Family disputes
- Minor civil suits
lowest court
5) Conclusion
6) Sources
Image sources
Text sources
- http://www.thecanadaguide.com/government/
-Text from the English lesson
- 3 Branches
- Prime Minister and his cabinet: executive
- House of Commons and Senate : legislative
- Courts : judicative
The three branches control each other and make a democracy possible by working together.
Queen is head of state but has no power and has only a representative role. She is represented by the Governor General
IS1: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Canada#/media/File:Flag_of_Canada.svg
IS2: http://www.canadianlutheran.ca/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/queen.jpg
IS3: https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/pch/images/services/crown-canada/gg-payette.jpg
IS4: https://pm.gc.ca/sites/pm/files/media/pm_trudeau_600x683.jpg
IS5: https://i.guim.co.uk/img/static/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/audio/video/2015/11/5/1446704524522/KP_590424_crop_1200x720.jpg?width=640&quality=85&auto=format&fit=max&s=d003e4cbb0024c2064b0f6fe59d1d530
IS6: https://img.src.ca/2015/01/23/1250x703/PC_150123_p01bd_chambre-communes-2_sn1250.jpg
IS7: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSLACY-515xuPSQf2REt-UlsM99lAdlWY54YzuyIoMZtouELXk7
IS8: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/fb/Supreme_court_of_Canada_in_summer.jpg/1200px-Supreme_court_of_Canada_in_summer.jpg
IS9: https://nationalpostcom.files.wordpress.com/2015/04/scoc_mandatory_minumums_quotes_20150414_37464717.jpg?quality=80&strip=all&w=620
IS10: https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-7Tq9TDG40aM/V4_XGceFqDI/AAAAAAAAE24/AER8FsepVVM_3uZ8l36GC9LGCI6axjp7QCLcB/s1600/FCJudges.jpg
IS11: https://shawglobalnews.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/provincial-court-exterior.jpg?quality=70&strip=all&w=720&h=480&crop=1
IS12: https://ahaopportunity.com/assets/img/logo-color.png
Last open : 28/02/2019; 19.57