In conclusion, the marketing strategy formulated for Apple Inc. is to increase market share as well as provide consumers with affordable products which are value for money. In addition, it is also to regain their position as market leaders in the smartphone industry which was taken from them by their main competitors, Samsung.
- Opportunity in the market
The Strategic Gap
Customer Profiling
- The difference between where Apple is and where Apple's Competitors are is a gap
- The negative competitive intelligence gaps
High life living
- Earn a significant amount of income
- Known as corporate giants
- Spend lavishly and choose to buy branded products
- Reason for choosing this segment is because high profit revenues can be generated.
- Create new designs that exceed past any competitor that offers the newest technology innovations and methods
Three Customer segments
- The Hard Worker
- The Growing Candidate
- High Life living
Apple's Strategic Gap
- Apple in recent quarter is down on market share
- Apple's competitors have closed the gap
- Retaining market share is a main priority
Identifying the strategic gap
The Growing Candidate
The Buyer Profile
The Hard Worker
- Middle-class income category
- Own a SME or working within the business sector
- Reason for choosing this segment is to retain Apple loyalists.
- Introduce more innovative products that are more sophisticated and meet the needs of potential and existing customers
- Who?
- What?
- Where?
- When?
- How customer choose?
- How do they respond?
- Will they buy it (again)?
- Teenagers and University students
- Reason for targeting this segment is so that Apple can expand their product range
- Cost effective - affordable alternative
Competitor Gap
- Competencies and capabilities to close the gap
- Discussion of the strategic gap
- Implication on strategic performance of Apple
- Implications on competitive advantage of Apple
- Alternatives for solving the gaps
Apples' competitors have identified the strategic gap on being cheaper from which Samsung and other leading Google androids.
Distribution Gap
Financial Forecast
Product-line Gap
The gradual loss of supremacy in the Smartphone market due to slow innovations and new product roll-outs has allowed competitors to catch up
Changing the appearance of their products and technology as consumer are becoming less interested in the design and look of the phone.
The following tables illustrate the financial performance of Apple and implementation and control of the new market strategy.
Financial Performance
Marketing Program
Marketing mix consists of:
- Product
- Price
- Place
- Promotion
- People
- Processes
- Physical Evidence
Key Changes
Implication of changes
- Introducing the "cheaper" iPhone 5C
- Apples products are sold in retailers, wholesalers and distributors located in low-middle income earning regions
- Use of traditional advertising
- Tailored service & technical support
- Maintains 'try before buy' method
- Increase productivity & sales therefore increasing market share
- Will no longer be regared as a company that charges premium prices
- Larger segments will be targeted
- Distribute to more regions
- An increase in brand loyalty and awareness of product
Apple's STP Strategy
- Differentiated marketing strategy
- Creation of custom market programs to suit each target market
- Apple is well coordinated and is able to accomodate the new marketing strategy
- Position by price and quality
- Introduction of iPhone 5C can increase market share
- Apple products generally known to be expensive
- Cheaper, affordable phones will now be available to market.
Competitor Analysis
Strengths & Opportunites
Weaknesses & Threats
Purpose and plan
- Formulate a new marketing strategy for Apple Inc. and provide a thorough analysis
- Outline marketing concepts such as a strategic gap analysis, competitor analysis, STP strategy, marketing program and the financial and non-financial analysis
- The new strategy formulated for Apple Inc. is to retain and increase market share with the introduction of the iPhone 5C
Competitve Situation & Past Performance
Company Background
Problems & issues facing Apple
Overview of Industry
- Apple Inc. is a multinational corporation
- Established in 1977, headquartered in California
- Market leader in consumer electronics and media sales industries
- Products include the iPhone, iPad, Mac, iPod, Apple TV
Internal Analysis
- Competition from LG, Lenovo, ZTE, and mainly Samsung.
- Overtaken by Samsung as the world's most profitable Smartphone maker.
- In the second quarter of 2013 Apple endured a $4.6 billion operating profit for their handsets
- World's most profitable handset vendor for four consecutive years until Samsung.
- Apple's profit margin for its handset division recently declined
- The cell phone industry is one of the fastest-moving industries worldwide
- Asia Pacific region dominates this industry.
- The global cell phone industry is expected to reach an estimated $334.8 billion in 2017
- Developing regions are expected to demonstrate significant growth
Overview of Product Market
Market Analysis
Masterful at marketing technologically-based products to consumers and developing features that people value
Best design team in the world
Delivering the best products by incorporating the design and delivery
Leading their customers instead of following them.
Design & Technology
- Mobile communication and media devices, personal computing products, and portable digital music players etc.
- Apple and Samsung alone have 45.5% of the market share of all mobile phones
Phone market is predicted to increase by 7.3% year over year in 2013
More than 1.8 billion mobile phones will be shipped this year
Smartphones will represent virtually all of the mobile phone market in many of the world's most developed economies by the end of 2017
Room for growth and improvement with regards to sales and market share in these emerging markets
Strategy Analysis & Formulation for Apple Inc.
Based on Jim Harvey's speech structures