The Materialist View of Human Nature
By Gurtej Lehal
Assessment and Disciplinary Practices
Materialist School for the Gifted
Teacher Staff
Common Criticisms
- We will grade you based on how well you do in class, how much you care for your body physically and mentally, and also how well you participate in class discussions.
- Disciplinary practices will be handed out if you cause trouble. Some examples of these are push ups, sit ups, jumping jacks,or laps, and for serious offenders they will do multiple sets of these and also be getting a phone call home to their parents.
- Thomas Hobbes - Principal
- J. J. C. Smart - Vice Principal
- Lucretious- Math
- Pierre Gassendi - Science
- Donald Davidson - English
- John Searle - Brain Functions
- Jerry Fodor - Gym
- Daniel Dennet- Science
- In our school, we believe that teaching the students about Sciences and their bodies are the most important thing and gives us an insight on how the universe works.
- Our mascot is Arnie the Atom.
- Our team name is the Atoms
- Our motto is "Work Hard because you 'matter'!"
- A common criticism would be that the brain states can be seen by anyone but only you can see your conscious experience. Someone might be able to explain what you're seeing but no one other than you can actually see what you're seeing
- Thoughts are something that cant be physically located but Brain Phenomena have a property that thoughts do not, therefore they are not identical.
- the circumstances necessary for a thought cannot be described in terms of the entities and laws of physics, but according to Smart, everything in the world is "explicable in terms of physics
- People have discussed the possibility of having a body and a soul but we believe that people only have a one thing: the material body.
- We believe that everything in the body can be explained as a physical, chemical or biological process.
Thomas Hobbes
- He came up with the famous conclusion:" The Universe, that is the whole mass of the things that are, is corporeal, that is to say body; and has the dimensions of magnitude, namely length, breadth, and depth... and that which is not body is no part of the Universe."
- Since only the material body exists, the mind must also be part of the material body.
Materialistic View
Extracurricular Activities
- We believe that the methods and theories the natural science s use to study physical phenomena can also study and explain everything about human beings, even the mind.
- This is the idea that one kind of thing is, or can be defined as, another kind of thing.
- An example of this is when Thomas Hobbes said that although the mind seems to be an immaterial thing, it is nothing more than a physical material thing.
Our school offers many courses to choose from like: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Math, English, Advanced Physics, Advanced Chemistry, Advanced Biology, Physical Education, French, Brain Functions, Identity Theory.
- Basketball
- Soccer
- Hockey
- Baseball
- Lacrosse
- Volleyball
- Math club
- Physics club
- Biology club
- Chemistry club
- Writers club
- Reading club
The Identity Theory
J. J. C. Smart
- The identity theory claims that states of consciousness are identical with states of the brain, which is a physical or material origin.
- we believe that everything that goes on in your mind can be explained and seen as an identical state in your brain
Thomas Hobbes
- He believes in the identity theory and says that science will discover which particular brain states will turn out to be which particular mental state.
- He says the identity theory is contingent because since science will discover it and you can not figure it out from the meaning of the phrase, it is contingent
- Many people had made huge strides in understanding the universe through careful observation and measurements of nature.
- They had made observations with their senses and measured things quantitatively, therefore Hobbes decided that a scientific view of the universe needed to accept things that we can observe and measures real.