The Turkey digestive tract
Esohagus-carries food from
the throat to the crop
crop- a storage area for food. Located
toward the end of the esophagus.
Proventriculus- A sticky acid starts
to break down the protein.
Gizzard- it's a musular stomach
that grinds up food.
Liver-The liver is an accessory
digestive organ and is the body’s largest
organ. It aids digestion by secreting bile
into the small intestine, acts as a storage place for digested starches and sugar.
pancreas- secretes digestive
juice into the intestine.
Small Intestine-Most of the digestive changes in food occur in the small intestine, mainly in the upper portion. It is from the lower part of the intestine that the body absorbs most food.
Ceca-It forms poop...
Rectum-carries poop the cloaca
Cloaca- where the poop
and pee exit the body.
by kyle and sonja
- beak- used to pickup feed and water
Mouth- saliva begins to break down foods.