Grotesque Images
Hunger Games
- Throwing rocks
- Tessie Hutchinson
- Little Davy even partakes
- Bill Hutchinson's indifference
- Civilized brutality
- Dehumanization
- Modern day "The Lottery"
- Choosing certain people who fight for their lives; Lottery is quick death with no fight.
- More of a scare tactic to keep from rebellion; Lottery is traditional.
- Hunger Games are more afraid to be chosen; Lottery is all for it until they are chosen.
Black box: -tradition itself
Old Man Weaver: - blindly following tradition
- stuck in ways
Related Works
- The Morning of June 28th
- "The Lottery" Misinterpreted
- Written after
- "The Road Through the Wall"
- "We have always lived in the castle"
In Conclusion:
"I hoped by setting a particularly brutal ancient right, in the present and in my own village to shock the stories readers with a graphic dramatization of the pointless violence and general inhumanity and in their own lives."
- Shirley Jackson
Shirley Jackson
Character Analysis
- Born December 14, 1916 and passed away on August 8, 1965 of unexpected heart failure.
- Wrote "The Lottery," "The Haunting of Hill House," "The Road Through the Wall," among other books and short stories.
- "The Haunting of Hill House" was regarded by Steven King as one of the most important horror novels of the 20th Century.
Tessie Hutchinson: - Wife of Bill
- Mother of 3
- Loser of Lottery
Old Man Warner: - Oldest man in village
- This is his 77th Lottery
Mr. Summers: - Conducts the Lottery
- Childless Coal Business Owner
Bill Hutchinson: - Husband of Tessie
- 1st draws marked paper
- 2nd draws blank paper
Mr. Harry Graves: - Postmaster
- helps prepare/assists with Lottery
The Lottery
By; Shirley Jackson
- Gather in town square
- Tessie shows up late
- Call out role
- The men get chosen alphabetically
- Unfold the papers
- Bill Hutchinson family is chosen
- Family chooses papers
- Tess gets chosen
- Freaks, says its unfair
- Then, get stoned to death