My favorite SNS
Advertise products
- SNS helps advertising products because it is open for everyone
- Just by one click consumers can get various information about the product
Meet celebrities
Instagram and Twitter has many celebrity users. Fans can can see pictures and videos of them
communicate with their favorite stars just by using their phones and computers.
Find long-lost friends and families
Samantha Futerman and Anais Bordier
Easy&Quick information
- We can get various information
- We can easily send important issues
- We can even share information with people all around the world
What is SNS?
SNS(Social Networking Service)
- SNS is a platform to build social network or social relationship among people who have same interests, activities, back ground, and etc.
- SNS allows us to share our interests, pictures, ideas, events, and feelings.
- Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are famous examples of SNS
Advantages of SNS
Kim Eun Sung