Categories of Medical Experiments
Category 1
Nazi Ideolody
Category 2
Dr.Josef Mengele
Category 3
Now A Short film
"Angle Of Death"
- WW 2 began in 1939-1945 and was considered the deadliest and most destructive war in human history.
NAZI Medical Experiments
- There are different categories of medical experiments category 1, category 2 and a category 3.
- The first category consisted of experiments aimed at facilitating the survival of Axis military personnel.
- Nazism is a variety of another totalitarian ideology fascism.The political goal of both ideologies is to establish a totalitarian state where the government is completely dominate the individual.
- The second category consisted of experimentation aimed at developing and testing pharmaceuticals and treatment methods for illness and injury.
- The third category of experiments was sought to advance the racial and ideological tenets of the Nazi worldview.
By: Lexi Freiborg
- How does this relate to the Jews?
- Almost every country was going through The Great Depression. Over 50 Nations were fighting and around 100 Million soldiers were deployed.
- Dr.Mengele was the chief provider for the gas chambers. He did a number of medical experiments of horror at Auschwitz using mainly twins.
- Sadly those weren't his only victims, he had countless victims who died in the name of Nazi science.
- There were three categories that doctors worked under to produce certain results, but each category's results had something to do with the preservation of the Third Reich.
- Examples would be pressure experiments and freezing experiments.
- A characteristic of Nazism is to make a common enemy (Jews,Gypies,Free Masons, ect)
- This was Josef Mengele's category of work.
- Test subjects were usually prisoners of the concentration camps.
Job Requirments
Mengele's Experiments
Dr.Herta Oberheuser
Oberheuser's Experiments
Dr. Karl Brandt
Early Life
Dr. Carl Clauberg
Clauberg's Experiments
Job Requirements
Early Life
- In 1943 and 1944 Clauberg was authorized by SS Chief Heinrich Himmler to conduct experiments at Auschwitz to help develop a method of mass sterilization.
- She was a Dermatologist, Medical Doctor, Surgical assistant at the Hohenlychen Sanatoria and at Ravenbruck Women's Concentration Camp.
- She was an accomplished doctor and well respected.
- Dr. Brandt was Hitler's personal physician and was appointed Reich Commissioner for Sanitation and Health. This was the highest Reich authorized by Hitler.
- He was authorized to issue instructions to the medical organizations of the government, to the party and armed forces.
- After Mengele was injured during a campaign he returened to Germany to study Anthropology, Human Genetics and Eugenics under his mentor.
- In April of 1943, he recieved a promotion to the rank of SS captain; this advancement shortly preceded Mengele' s transfer to Auschwits on May 30,1943
- Dr. Clauberg injected chemical substances into the wombs of thousands of jewish women.
- Early in his career as a research gynecologist studied treatments to help infertile women conceive. Ironicly during the Nazi power he help ensure that jewish women couldn't have children.
- Karl was born in Muhlhausen, Germany.
- He became a medical doctor in 1928.
- He joined the NSDAP in January 1932 and joined the SS in July 1934.
- He received regular promotions from the SS and by January 1934 Brandt was a Major General in the Nazi Party.
- She was born May 15,1911 and died January 24,1978
- Dr. Oberheuser conducted some of the most gruesome and painful medical experiments.
- Her work consisted mainly of deliberately inflicting wounds on subjects.
- She also liked to kill children with oil and evipan injections. She was the only female defendant in the medical trial against the Nazi Doctors.
- Josef was born March 16th,1911 in Grunsberg, Germany. He was the eldest of 5 children.
- In 1935 Mengele earned a Ph.D in Physcial Anthropology from the University of Munich. In January 1937 he became an assistant of Dr. Otmar von Verschuer, a leading scientist know for research on twins.
- Dr. Oberheuser killed children by evipan injections and oil. After she would remove their limbs and vital organs.
- The T.O.D (time of death) between injections and death was between 3-5 minutes with the person being fully conscious until the last moment.
- Her specialty was purposely inflicting wounds on subjects that simulate the wounds of German soldiers.
- Dr. Mengele had a fascination with twins specifically identical twins. Mengele injected chemicals into the eyes of children in attempt to change their eye color.
- He preformed both physical and pyschological surgeries preformed without anesthesia, blood transfusions between the twins.
- He also injected with lethal germs, did sex change operations, removed organs and limbs and did incestuous impregnations.
- Of the some 3,000 twins he experimented on only a few survived.
- Using 700 mostly Jewish women as subjects, he injected toxins into the uterus causing severe pain and sometimes death.
Another Short Film
Brandt's Experiments
Genetic Experiment
Sun Lamp Experiments
Freezing Experiments
Twins Experiments
- The twins were allowed to keep their hair and were often treated better than other prisoners.
- These experiments consisted of victims being placed under sun lamps which were so hot they would burn the skin.
- He participated in the euthanasia program which systematically execution of the aged, insane, incurably ill or deformed children by gas of lethal injections.
- They were often seen as "useless eaters" and a burden to the German war machine.
- The victims often lived in nursing homes, hospitals and asylums.
- This wasn't so much as an experiment, but it was a plan.
- The new rules required all SS soldiers to submit to general testing before marriage to insure racial purity.
- The goal of racial purity was to have blonde hair and have blue eyes.
- After all the living data was collected both twins would be killed by a single injection of chloroform to the heart.
- Freezing/Hypothermia exeriments were conducted for the Nazi high command.
- The experiments were conducted mainly to help the soldiers who were suffering in the eastern front.
- The soldiers were ill prepared for the bitter cold
- This was often used as punishment.
- It was extremely important that the twins died at the exact same time.