My grandmother, my sister, and me at her old home in the village
My grandmother (left) with her mother (right) and my mother as a child
My grandmother at 7 years old and her younger sister
Personal History:
My grandmother, Daw Han Nyunt
Historical Events
Historical Events
- Independence: January 4, 1948
- President of the Union of Burma: Sao Shwe Thaik
- 1948 to 1952
- Prime Minister of Myanmar: U Nu (Thakin Nu)
- 1948 to 1956-- established the Anti-Fascists People's Freedom League
- 1957 to 1958
- 1960 to 1962-- defeated by military coup (Ne Win)
- plagued with communism, rebellion caused by ethnic minorities, and no economic growth
- Prime minister of Myanmar: Ne Win
- 1962 to 1974
- staged a coup to overthrow U Nu in 1962
- established a new government
- Revolutionary Council of the Union of Burma
- cabinet members were members of the armed forces-- military based government
- forced nationalism for fear of punishment
- President of Myanmar: Ne Win
- 1974 to 1981
- cut ties with outside countries
- made Myanmar one of the poorest countries in the world
- most violent dictator in Myanmar
Her Background Information
My grandfather, U Soe Min & my grandmother, Daw Han Nyunt
- Area: Kha Loke village, Twantee Division, Yangon (Rangoon), Myanmar
My grandmother in her early 20's
Prime Minister U Nu (Thakin Nu)
Prime Minister and President of Myanmar, Ne Win
Myanmar's Independence in 1948
Kha Loke Village
Twatee Division, Yangon (Rangoon)
Military soldiers
From runaway to first-generation American citizen