Dudes with issues
A Bat Never Forgets
The Batman (Bruce Wayne)
I don't sleep, I wait
- Batman doesn't sleep
- Ever
- Justice Onset Insomnia
- Young Bruce Wayne and night terrors
- Adult Bruce Wayne becoming those night terrors
(superman sleeping because he's a chump)
Holy Motivation, Batman!
Batman experiences Intrinsic Motivation
Social Cognitive View of Personality
Batman's personality is a combination of:
- Batman is motivated by the idea that he must seek revenge/justice
- Believes he alone must save Gotham
Batman's Brain
1.) Environment
2.) Characteristics
- Masked Vigilante.
- Trained in several fighting styles.
- Thirst for justice.
- Stoic, focused.
- Member of the Justice League
- The Amygdala
- Controls fear response, emotional response, interpretations of nonverbal emotional expressions.
- Batman's lack of fear/emotional responses can come from an abnormal amygdala.
- Billionaire (sole heir to the Wayne fortune).
- Orphaned at a young age.
- CEO, Wayne Enterprises.
- Womanizer.
- Angsty.
Step Three: Retrieval
Step One: Encoding
Step Two: Storage
- Batman is able to retrieve the face of the man who murdered his parents
- The memory is stored long term
- Bruce Wayne sees his parents being murdered
- His brain encodes the memory
Batman and the Psychodynamic perspective
Social Identity Theory
B(attribution) Theory
Bruce Wayne + Dead Parents = Batman
- Batman uses the three aspects of light.
- Visual accommodation
- Dark adaptation
- No Colorblindness
Psychodynamic Perspective
- Developed by Freud
- Focusing on current behavior caused by childhood experiences
- Has changed over the years
- Thomas and Martha Wayne gunned down in an alley during a mugging
- Bruce spends young life traumatized
- Decides to do something about the rampant violence in Gotham
- Becomes Batman
How Batman Copes With Stress:
-Filling a role
-Role is self-inflicted
- Helps to develop his identity
How Bruce Wayne Copes With Stress:
- Becomes Batman and punches people
- Buys a new car
Batman Doesn't Break Rules, He breaks faces.
- Batman doesn't break rules (laws, maybe, but no one cares)
- He does learn, however
- Negative Reinforcement works most effectively.
- His many failures lead to a stronger Batman.