Appeal to Doubtful Authority
By: Heather Pieper and Olivia Cox
In Text Examples
According to you
- The best way to treat cancer is through acupuncture because Dr. Jones, who has a Ph. D. in Physics, says so.
- John Smith has dabbled in theatre production and says that a play that just came out was poorly directed. Therefore, it must be true.
- A wise woman once said that to live simply is to live happily.
An Appeal to Authority takes the following form:
- Person A is (claimed to be) an authority on subject S.
- Person A makes claim C about subject S.
- Therefore, C is true.
It is a fallacy when...
- the Authority does not have significant expertise in the subject
- the claim is outside the area of expertise
- no one else can validate this claim
- the authority is biased
- the authority is not named