After CGPS Quality Level B
After CGPS Quality Level D & C
WUMC Campus Renewal Project Phase I
Standard Civil Base
After CGPS Quality Level A
CORTEX Openspace
Quality Level C
- Call811 Utility Locate Process
- Real Time Kinematic GPS
- Robotic Total Station
Quality Level A
- Hydro-Excavation
- 3D Laser Scanning
- Revit
- Navisworks
Quality Level A
CGPS Scope of Services
Quality Level B
- EM Utility Locators
- Ground Penetrating Radar
- Infrared-Energy Pattern Analysis
- Camera with Sonde
- Computer Assisted Radar Tomography
- Acoustic Utility Locators
- ESRI GIS Software
- Upon award, Castle hired CastleGPS to perform a Subsurface Utility Investigation at a cost of $70,000 (QL A&B)
- 5 field changes to the design, each requiring MSD approval
- 3 Easements required for owner-procurement
- 9 month schedule delay - 5 month delay in commencing construction & 4 additional months on-site
- $750,000 – current cost impact to the project (solely through Castle)
- Neighborhood Impacts - Access, Parking, and Delivery challenges for surrounding businesses
- Hydro-Excavation at project critical locations
- Utilized judiciously based on constructibility concerns or expected conflicts
- Field Survey of exposed utilities
- Deliverable of Engineered Cross Sections, 3D Civil Information Model (CIM)
- Horizontal and Vertical representation of existing infrastructure
- Highlighted areas where QL-A information was collected
- Interpolation between QL-A Data Points
- Seamless integration with Building Information Modeling
CORTEX Openspace
- Prior to Bidding and Procurement of the Project – CORTEX Project leadership did not accept the CastleGPS SUM Proposal, saving the project $45,000
- September 2013 the project was competitively bid and won by Castle Contracting with a targeted completion of Christmas 2013
- Urban Streetscape & Civil Infrastructure Project adjacent to BJC Campus – Total Project Value $5 MM. Castle is contracted with the General Contractor to perform $1 MM of Earthwork & Utilities for the project.
- 700 lf of 48" - 66" Separated Relief Sewer at 12' - 26' depth: $500,000
- Site Specific storm drainage: $250,000
Quality Level B
CORTEX Openspace
CGPS Scope of Services
The Bad and the Good - two projects in the same St. Louis neighborhood
- Field Investigation by CGPS Locate Technicians
- Facility Walkthroughs / Basement Walkthroughs
- Surface Geophysical Locating Technologies
- GIS Utility Attributes
- Field Survey
- Deliverable of refined 2D Utility Exhibits w/ Labeled Elevation where available in either CAD or GIS Formats
- Appropriately sized utility vaults
- Corrected dimensions for subsurface features
- Accurate details for services entering and exiting utility vaults
- Incorporation of GIS Utility Attributes
- Ideal tool for Facilities Management, Preventative Maintenance, and Lifecycle analysis
Another Case Study
Telecommunications Facilities Corporation
Quality Level D
Design Profile
CGPS Scope of Services
Quality Level C
- Review and Compilation of Existing Records
- High Level 'Utility Atlas'
- Deliverable of 2D Utility Exhibits
Actual Profile
Duncan Avenue Separated Sewer
In 2013 CGPS completed three utility mapping projects for TFC
- Total Cost - $70,000
- Each was Quality Level B
The cost of the associated construction (2400 lf of concrete encased ductbank and 2300 lf directional bore) totaled $1.1 million
- Each project was completed on time
- 2% change orders
•The only TFC project that was completed by others without the aid of CGPS Utility Mapping Services (700 lf concrete encased ductbank) finished 4 months behind schedule with "substantial" change orders
- Site Walkthrough w/ Facilities Personnel
- Call 811 Utility Locate Process
- Field Survey of Visible Surface Structures
- Deliverable of 2D Utility Exhibits w/ Labeled Elevations where available
• CGPS was contracted to provide SUM Services for the WUMC Campus. BJC determined varying standards of care, prioritizing the Phase I Renewal Project for the highest level of detail.
• CGPS produced deliverables in both 2D and 3D as a part of the services provided.
• At the present the completed subsurface utility modeling has allowed project designers to complete detailed subsurface tunnel and infrastructure designs through the required BIM delivery model
• Clash detection within the CGPS Model and the proposed design has provided improved conflict detection and QA/QC within the design process
• Preliminary site demolition and utility disconnects have already put to use the improved utility data – specifically the early disconnection and reroute of a live oxygen line that was found to be greater than 5 feet from it’s ‘as-built’ location.
• As this project continues, constructability analysis and accurate existing utility information for civil work packages are creating improved schedules and appropriate budgets for the project.
- BJC’s PMO acted as the owner for this civil infrastructure project - 1,600 lineal feet of 36" - 48" RCP at 12' depth - upstream extension to the CORTEX Separated Sewer
- Serves BJC, WUSM & SLCH
- CastleGPS ‘led the way’ for Castle Contracting in negotiating both the Subsurface Utility Mapping and Civil Construction for this $1,200,000 Project
- Project Team included CGPS as civil engineering consultant working for Castle Contracting to Design Assist the project.
Project Two -
Duncan Avenue Separated Sewer
- CGPS identified more than thirty critical utility conflicts
- Including an 8' X 10' X 40' deep concrete vertical shaft collecting storm and wastewater
- Accurate constructability assessments have been provided in approved MSD design variances
- Identified necessary utility relocations and abandonments (MSD, Lightcore Communications) allowing proactive Planning & Coordination
- Identified appropriate construction methods required to safely install the proposed line with appropriate lead times
- Design Coordination of 3 major alignment changes prior to MSD permitting
- Schedule Certainty for planned roadway closings and limited property access - Planned 4 month construction duration
- CGPS Mapping, Investigation, and Design Assist cost of $85,000 (QL A&B)
Project Highlights - Duncan Avenue
Surface Geophysical Locating Technologies
The CGPS Subsurface Utility Mapping Process
2. Detailed Field Investigation
1. Review of Existing Records
Quantifiable Risks
Safety, Budget, Design, Schedule, Campus Operations
Quantifiable Costs
Project Delays, GC Extensions, Changed Conditions, Emergency Repairs, Added Design Costs
Quality Level D
- Information Gathering (QA/QC of existing documents)
- Production of a project specific 'Utility Atlas' that serves as the starting point for SUM
- Compiled using only existing record information
Quality Level C
- Field investigation and Site Walkthrough
- Survey of visible surface structures and utilities added into the 'Utility Atlas'
The CGPS Solution
Quality Level B
- Data Acquisition (Surface Geophysical Methods)
- Data Collection Data Processing, QA/QC, and Professional Review
- Update 'Utility Atlas' to reflect data collected
- CGPS will locate, depict & deliver accurate existing utility data and communicate it clearly with campus stakeholders
Quality Level A
- Nondestructive exposure of existing utilities
- Performed at project critical locations to enhance engineering design
Every Civil Construction Drawing Says something like this...
Existing Utility Problems
Campus Owners Need Solutions
Campus owners don't know what's under the surface.
It's unsafe.
The "million dollar hit" actually happens.
Grand Openings will be postponed.
“Underground facilities, structures, and utilities have been plotted from available survey and records. The owner does not warrant the locations of these facilities as precise. It is possible there may be others. The existence of which is presently not known or shown. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to determine the existence and precise location of all facilities and to avoid damage. See job special provisions for a list of utility companies on or within the vicinity of the project limits.”
Saint Louis campus for a high-quality owner, with expansion plans. More than 16 acres of total campus built over the past 40 years.
'Ideal Campus Plan'
Webster University Electrical Feeders
Our Team
The Project
- 5,300 lf of proposed electrical feeder lines (8 Cell, 4 Cell, and 2 Cell Ductbank)
- CGPS Completed QL-B SUM for the project limits at a cost of $82,000
- Castle Contracting negotiated the civil installation of the feeder lines for $1.1 million
The Results
- CGPS collaborated with William Tao and Associates to spur substantial redesign prior to the completion of 100% Construction Drawings
- Cost savings created by this effort exceeded $400K
- Design modifications allowed Castle Contracting, with the aid of CGPS, to present accurate schedule and operational details at multiple Webster Community Townhall Meetings
- The feeder line project is currently 75% complete with zero changes due to utility infrastructure unknowns and only positive schedule impacts
- CGPS is still engaged with Webster University to collect GIS Attribute information for the newly installed ductbank and update the University's Utility Atlas
CastleGPS is a Professional Subsurface Utility Mapping firm focused on serving Healthcare, Higher Education, and other Critical Campuses
St. Louis Targets
SUM Research
- Wash U
- Maryville University
- Webster University
- Missouri Baptist
- St. Anthony's
- Monsanto
- SSM Health Care
- Ascension Health
- St. Lukes
- Mercy
- Children's Hospital
- Emerson
- CIRANO Study for the City of Quebec
- Assesses the direct vs. indirect costs of a utility hit
- Took into account multiple utility service interruptions as well as multiple locations geographically within the Quebec city limits
- Best case - Indirect costs of a utility hit amount to 5 times the direct costs
- Worst case - Indirect costs upwards of 1000 times the direct cost
- Purdue University Department of Building Construction Management
- Four State study encompassing 71 projects
- Average Cost Savings of $4.62 for every $1.00 spent on Subsurface Utility Mapping