Out of the Dust Timeline 1930-1935
By: Zachary Blum & Joseph Perbtani
Summer 1934
Winter 1935
Summer 1935
Winter 1934
Flashback 1920
- Billie Jo was born | August 1920
- A family stays in Billie Jo's classroom and has a baby
- Pa goes to night school for a backup if the farm fails
- Billie Jo ran away on a train
- Billie Jo begins to accept Louise as a member of the family
- Billie Jo's father gets a loan from the government
- A dust storm hit Billie Jo's house
- Billie Jo burned her mom causing her and Franklin (her brother) to die
- Pa, starts digging the hole for the pond Ma had always wanted
Autumn 1934
Spring 1934
Historical & Pop Culture Facts 1934
- Aunt Ellis invites Billie Jo to live with her in Texas
- People are leaving the dust and moving out of Oklahoma
- Pa gets hired to work for Wireless Power
- Billie Jo goes to the art exhibit and is sad when it's over
- Ma says that they will get back the money they lost in the fall
- A huge rainstorm comes and is to hard and fast for the plants to absorb it, so the wheat and other plants die.
- Alcatraz became an official prison
- The New York Giants defeated the Chicago Bears 30-13 for the NFL championship
- Vitamin K was discovered by Henrik Dam
- Donald Duck made his first appearance in the cartoon, The Wise Little Hen.
- http://www.timelines.ws/20thcent/1934_1935.HTML
- http://www.todayinsport.com/events/date/1934
- http://www.mayoclinicproceedings.org/article/S0025-6196%2811%2963617-3/fulltext
- http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/751823/Donald-Duck
- http://www.profootballhof.com/UserFiles/image/1934_nfl_championship_250.jpg
- http://www.crh.noaa.gov/ddc/swaw/glddust.JPG
- http://www.ghananewsagency.org/assets/images/Huge_Rain_in_the_Karoo.jpg
- http://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/sites/default/files/styles/mw_collection_910/public/photos/20100602-omi-mw17-003-910.jpg?itok=94SGIRPT
- http://www.thechargeraccount.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/teachermaternityleave1.jpg
- http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_bjqmGmHDb1w/SO21kMRywWI/AAAAAAAABN8/3RYEfsvmFrU/s1600-h/Okies+headed+west+California+migrant+labor+dust+bowl+great+depression.jpg
- http://www.latimes.com/includes/flash_lat/blog/portfolios/dbartletti/bartletti_enrique_ptw/custom/a_enrique01.jpg
- http://www.heyapathy-comics-art.com/images/black-and-white-pictures-robots.JPG