Welcome to the
University of Minnesota Division of Gynecologic Oncology!
Community Involvement Committee
Training Sites
Martina Bazzaro, PhD
Tim Starr, PhD
Amy Skubitz, PhD
Regions Hospital
Emil Lou, MD, PhD
S. Ramakrishnan, PhD
Fellow Research Publications
Vacation Policy
Surgical Experience
Park Nicollet Methodist Hospital
U of MN Medical Center
East Bank
West Bank
- 20 PTO days/year for years 1 & 2
- Can take in 1/2 day increments up to 1 week per block
- Conferences do not count against PTO
Colleen Rivard, MD
- Presentations: 8, including ACS, NSQIP, SGO, IGCS, WAGO
- Publications: 11 (8 as first author)
Elizabeth Dickson, MD
- Presentations: 11, including SGO, ACS, AACR, WAGO
- Publications: 9 (4 as first author)
Jori Carter, MD
- Presentations: 16, including SGO, ASCO, IGCS
- Publications: 12 (9 as first author)
Rajul Kothari, MD
- Presentations: 8, including WAGO, SGO
- Publications: 6 (5 as first author)
- American Cancer Society
- United States Department of Defense
- Society of Gynecologic Oncology
- Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation
- Minnesota Ovarian Cancer Alliance
- Foundation for Gynecologic Oncology/ME STRONG
- Minnesota Partnership for Biotechnology and Medical Genomics
Twin Cities
St. Paul
Program Basics
- Wide variety of pathology
- Major referral center for northern Midwest region
- Diverse patient population
Down Time
- 3-year fellowship
- 1 fellow per year
- 3 hospitals
Estimated Salary
- PGY5: $59,081
- PGY6: $61,155
- PGY7: $63,111
Other Resources
Other Great Things About Our Program
- $1200 yearly administrative stipend
- $7500 research fund
- Department laptop
Breakdown of Rotations by Year
Year 2
Year 1
- No OB call!!!
- Moonlighting allowed
- Opportunities for international work
- Cultural and socioeconomic diversity of patient population and community
- Affordable cost of living
- 2 months protected research time
- 1 month SICU
- 1 month Radiation Oncology
- 8 months on Gyn Onc service
- 2 months on the Gyn Onc service
- 10 months of protected research time
- Optional graduate courses in Biostatistics and Cancer Biology
Elizabeth Dickson, MD Colleen Rivard, MD Jori Carter, MD Colleen Evans, DO
Aurora Health University of Minnesota Virginia Commonwealth Essentia Health
Milwaukee, WI University Duluth, MN
Year 3
Thanasak Sueblinvong, MD Rajul Kothari, MD Sajeena Thomas, MD
Kaiser Permanente University of Illinois University of Rochester
University of Hawaii Chicago, IL Rochester, NY
- 1 month Colorectal Surgery
- 11 months Gyn Onc service
Annie Tan, MD Hyung Suk Ryu, MD Justin Chura, MD Joseph Ivy, MD
Minnesota Oncology Mercy Medical Center Cancer Treatment Center Private Practice
Minneapolis, MN Baltimore, MD Philadelphia, PA Rogers, AR
Current Fellows
Other Members of
Our Team
Sue Petzel, PhD Dona Maki, RN Cara Miller, MSN, CNP
Psychologist,UMP UMP UMP
Michelle Glasgow, MD
Year 3
Basic Science/Translational Research
Simulation Training
Kandic Tolic, NP Kirsten Malvey, NP Pam Dalager, RN
Regions UMP UMP
Other Program Benefits
- 9 residents per year (36 total)
- Gyn Onc rotation coverage:
- 1 resident from each class on UMMC service (1 on night float; intern covers floor)
- 4th-year resident at Regions
- 3rd-year rotation at Methodist
- Free parking at all sites
- Meal cards
- Medical and dental
- Life insurance
- Liability and disability insurance
- Paid maternity/paternity leave
- UC Irvine Advanced Course in Cytoreductive Surgery
- Cadaver Lab
- DaVinci Xi Simulator
- Development of a Mouse Model of Ovarian Cancer (Thesis, Dr. Starr)
- Objective: Design a mouse model to simultaneously test multiple agents against various genetic mutations
- Changes in Gene Expression after NACT in Ovarian Cancer (Dr. Starr)
- Objective: Develop genetic profiles which may predict which patients respond well/poorly to NACT
- Impact of Chemoradiation on the Urinary Microbiome in Women with Cervical Cancer (Drs. Teoh, Fok, and Yuan; funded by SGO ME-STRONG grant)
- Objective: Describe the effect of primary chemoradiation on the urinary microbiome
- Correlation of L1CAM Expression and Clinical Outcome in Stage I Endometrial Cancer (Drs. Winterhoff, Khalifa, and Pulver)
- Objective: Determine if those patients with stage I EAC and L1CAM expression have poorer outcomes than patients with the same stage EAC without L1CAM expression
Basic Science/Translational Research
- Evaluation of USP14 as a biomarker for recurrence in early-stage endometrial adenocarcinoma (Thesis, Dr. Bazzaro)
- Personalized mouse models of chemotherapy resistance in ovarian cancer (Drs. Starr and Bazzaro)
- Molecular analysis of endometrial hyperplasia, endometrial carcinoma, and benign endometrium (Dr. Geller, Dr. Bakkum-Gamez- Mayo Clinic)
- Genomic Characterization of Endometrial Cancer (Dr. Winterhoff, Dr. Konecny- UCLA)
- Correlation of L1CAM Expression and Clinical Outcome in Stage I Endometrial Cancer (Drs. Winterhoff, Khalifa, and Glasgow)
Kit Brown Deb Egger-Smith
Michelle Glasgow, MD
Clinical Projects
Palliative Care Training Workshop
Michelle Glasgow, MD
Clinical Projects, continued
- Bi-weekly Pathology review at Regions
- Bi-weekly Radiation Oncology conference
- Weekly Gyn Onc conference
- Division Education Day every six weeks
- Fall and Spring Research Symposia
- Israel teleconference
Drew Rosielle, MD Elizabeth Uchitelle, MD
- Anal dysplasia in Women with Genital Dysplasia (Dr. Geller)
- Objective: Identify risk factors for anal dysplasia in women with different degrees of dysplasia, link with HPV status; ultimate goal is to develop a model to predict which women with genital dysplasia should be screened for anal dysplasia
- Impact of Metformin on Outcomes in Women with Cervical Cancer Treated with Primary Chemoradiation (Dr. Teoh)
- Objective: Prior chart review showed better outcomes in this population of women who had diabetes. Determine if metformin (compared with no agent for DM or insulin) impacts survival
- Social Media to Reduce Postoperative Admissions (Dr. Teoh)
- Objective: Evaluate impact of mobile app in reducing 30-day readmissions, reducing patient self-report of complications, and in improving patient satisfaction with pre- and post-operative care
- Postoperative Readmissions following Ileostomy Formation among Patients with a Gynecologic Malignancy (Drs. Argenta and Teoh)
- Objective: Evaluate the incidence and reasons for readmission within 30 days following ileostomy in women with gyn malignancy
- Long-term follow-up of a Phase II Trial of Multimodal Therapy Given in a "Sandwich" Method for Stage III, IV, and Recurrent Endometrial Cancer (Dr. Geller)
- Objective: Review long-term PFS/OS from an initial Phase 2 trial on Sandwich Protocol, and to determine associated long-term lymphedema rates
- Early Stage Uterine Serous Carcinoma: Does Surgical Approach Impact Survival? (Dr. Argenta, Dr. Silasi from Yale)
- Objective: Evaluate the surgical and oncologic outcomes in patients with stage I and II USC staged via minimally invasive surgical approaches compared with laparotomy
- Benefits Associated with Use of HIPEC at First Recurrence in Ovarian Cancer: An Update (Dr. Argenta)
- Objective: Compare survival in patients treated with HIPEC at first recurrence with the survival of patients treated at first recurrence with secondary cytoreductive surgery (without HIPEC) and/or systemic chemotherapy
Research Conferences and Meetings
- Effect of early Palliative Medicine referral on in-hospital mortality among Gynecologic Oncology patients (Dr. Carson)
- Identification of risk factors for readmission within 30 days of surgery among Gynecologic Oncology patients (Dr. Carson)
- Effect of chemotherapy on the rectal microbiome of patients with ovarian cancer (Drs. Carson, Ramakrishnan, and Rivard)
- Cervical cancer and HIV infection among women in Southern Province, Rwanda (Dr. Ghebre)