The Life Cycle
Late Adulthood
70+ years
The Late Adulthood stage can bring many changes to my life depending on my health. It will be a time to enjoy my retirement and move into a smaller home. As I get older, I may need to give up some of my independence and have some assistance with my daily life. It could also be a time to experience loss of family or friends.
Kyle Berardi
My great grandma with her two daughters
My 97 year old great Grandma Helen Hunter!
Late Childhood
6-12 years
During the late childhood stage of my life, I entered school full time and learned many new academic subjects and skills. I learned how to read and write. Friendships continued to grow as well as my interest in sports.
The Life Cycle will continue with the generations that follow...
My Great grandmother with her daughter and grandsons
Receiving the leadership award at Concord Elementary
Joined the swim team!
My Confirmation Day
12 - 18 years
During Adolescence, I am experiencing another great growth spurt, I expect this to continue throughout the next few years. I am also going through changes in who I am as a person. I value spending time with my family and friends and I am trying to make the right decisions so that I won't regret anything in the future.
Middle Childhood
3-6 years
These years were a time for continued growth both mentally and physically. It was a time to enter preschool and begin forming friendships and learn how to follow rules. It was also a time to learn how to spend time away from my family while in school.
My mom and I riding on a local train during a preschool field trip.
Spending time with my Dad on vacation in Germany
Canoe trip in Canada
Getting ready for my first day of preschool!
Some of my friends when I turned 12
Preschool Halloween Parade
Early Childhood
1 - 3 years
During early childhood I became more independent and began to explore the world on my own. I still depended on my parents for many of my needs, however it was a time to learn basic skills like getting dressed and using the toilet. My speech also became more developed and I could now communicate with my family and others.
Second Adulthood
45 - 70 years
The Second Adulthood stage of my life may bring an extended family into my life. As I watch my children grow into adults, they may have their own families. I will now have grandchildren to spend my time with. As I get older, I will also start planning for my retirement.
Notice the gates that were set up to keep me safe and out of trouble while I played on my own.
I learned to walk and had fun playing with my toys.
My sister and I liked to learn about new things.
My Grandmother (Mom's mom)
My Grandparents (Dad's parents)
My Great Aunt Sue with Sofie and Bentley
Transition to Adulthood
18 - 30 years
During my transitional years into adulthood, I will graduate high school, expect to attend college, and begin my career. I will be able to live on my own and make my own decisions. I may also get married during this time.
My parents on their wedding day
My cousin's senior prom
My 22 year old cousin Brittany
Birth - 1 year
During this first year of life I was growing rapidly. I learned how to eat solid foods. My motor skills were developing as I learned how to sit, crawl and finally walk. I also learned how to recognize and interact with my family. As the year progressed, I began to imitate and communicate through learning how to say some early words such as "Mama" and "Dada".
First Adulthood
30 - 45 years
The First Adulthood stage of my life may bring a family as it did for my parents. I will be spending time teaching, exploring the world, and having fun with my kids. During this time, I will also be focused on my career.
Vacationing in Canada with my family
As a newborn infant, I depended on my parents to hold me so I could see the world around me.
It is impossible to sit up on your own as you can see how I am propped up on the couch.
My Mom and Dad
Another Family Vacation
I learned to interact with my family and eventually imitate and make sounds.