Female Character Archetypes
Jester and Sage
- Light-hearted, joking
- Sometimes characterized with broken past behind her facade
- Intellectual and disciplined, usually an academic or theologian
- Seeks truth and self above all else
Queen and Free Spirit
Innocent and Hero
- Values power and control, but also harmony
- Organizes the "kingdom" and seeks admiration in return
Free Spirit
- "Manic Pixie Dream Girl", "Damsel in Distress"
- Dreamer who believes in frivolous and impulsive ideas
- Emotional and personal
Lover and Creator
- Archetype for star-eyed, optimistic ingenue
- Woman coerced into innocence
- Courageous, brave do-er
- Believes in mastery and full knowledge
Work Cited
Jungian Types
- Also named "Seductress"; extremely manipulative
- Uses both physical and mental abilities to solicit favors out of men
- Artistic (visual, literary, musical)
- Do-er, believes in hard work and devotion to passion
Johnson, Robert L. "Feminine Quarternity:Queen,Medial,Amazon,Hetaira." (Tallahassee Center for Jungian and Gnostic Studies). N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Oct. 2015.
Latimer, Chelsea. "Female Archetypes." Udemy Blog. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Oct. 2015.
"Archetypes." Vocabulary for the Study of Religion (n.d.): n. pag. Web.
- Western psychologist, based on Meyer-Briggs
- 13 types
Rebel and Explorer
- Defiant and typically young
- Rules don't apply to her
- Breaking the rules leads to her isolation
- Overlap with Hero and Rebel.
- Lives by her own rules
- Seeks activity and excitement
Orphan and Caregiver
- Typical, down to earth character with a desire to fit in
- Usually an abandoned artist
- Mother figure
- Values compassion, always puts other before herself