Real Life Situation: The Car Industry in the Roaring Twenties (Model T)
Works Cited
"Ford's Model T." The Roaring Twenties. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Dec. 2014. <>.
"Henry Ford Changes the World, 1908," EyeWitness to History (2005). <>.
"Jane Campion Quote." BrainyQuote. Xplore, n.d. Web. 16 Dec. 2014. <>.
"The Roaring Twenties." A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 16 Dec. 2014. <>.
You can make a difference...
Real World Examples:
The people
- Sometimes only want it as a status symbol
- But, some want it to improve their way of living.
- Buying too much, leads to debt.
- Want it to make everyday life activities easier
- People want to increase knowledge
The company/ Industry
- Most Corporation's goal is to make money
- Most do not look into the people's personal problems
- Creates a need or want in the market
- Deception
- BUT, some companies seek for a change that will positively impact society
The Price
- Although technological innovation may be influential, not all can afford the price.
- Limits the effect.
- Encourages people to help the needy
History AOK - TOK
Ways of Knowing: Sense Perception and Reason
- Human Interaction is enhanced
- New technological innovation can effectively enhance our senses.
- Individuals are responsible for these inventions which affect the human race.
- Betters the standard of living
- Reason vs. Logic
- "There are some things that are real, that you can see, that you can observe, like the moon, and grass and things. But for ideas to become real, they have to be played on your senses." Jane Campion
Ways of Knowing: Imagination
Areas of Knowledge: Religion
- Imagination reveals truths that reality hides.
- Other technological innovations affects shared knowledge by giving individuals ideas to improve life.
- Expands our capacities
- Makes us question "What if?"
- Technological innovation may change our way of life.
- Cultures fear change.
- Since tradition can be broken, some cultures refuse to use certain technologies.
Ways of Knowing: Language
Knowledge Question
- Technological advancements allow better communication with others, either spoken or written.
- Complex learning to expand our knowledge.
- Expands a better understanding of different cultures.
- Phraseology and vocabulary changes.
- Pathway to open mindedness
- Extent - Resistance
To what extent is cultural shared knowledge affected by technological innovation?
The Car Industry - Henry Ford's Model T. 1908-1927
By: Miguel Zatarain
Period: 2
- Known as "Tin Lizzie"
- Important product of the 1920's
- $260 in 1924
- Low cost, durability, versatility, and ease of maintenance.
- Credit made cars made luxuries affordable but at the end of the decade, it became a necessity.
- Changed the way Americans live, work and travel.
- It stimulated growth in many industries.
What Happened?
- Dramatic social change
- Jobs
- Manufacturing output = 60%
- Consumer society
- Frivolous Spending
- Margin Buying
- New technology and great industrial expansion made it possible.