How is the tree kangaroo born?
Tree kangaroos are born by giving birth to one offspirng after a gestation period of approximately 44 days.
What is a tree kangaroo??
What does a tree kangaroo eat??
A tree kangaroo is an animal that have a pouch. animals that have pouches are marsupials.
Who are the tree kangaroo fear??
Tree kangaroos eat mostly leaves, fruit, grains , flower, sap , eggs , birds , and even bark.
The animal enemis are pythons and wild dogs???
Female kangaroos
speak to their joeys
by producing distinct by making
clucking noises.
More facts.....
Where an they be found.......
The tree kangaroo are found
only in the rainforest of Australia,West
Papua, and Papua New Guinea.
These are some
facts about tree
Tree kangaroos babys
are called joeys.
How does a tree kangaroo move??
Why does female marsupials
have pouches???
Tree kangaroos are slow and clumsy on the ground. They move at approximately human walking pace and hop awkwardly.
The female have a pouch for a reason that
reason s because they have to carry their
joeys to keep them safe and when they
come out the pouch they will learn how
to fight.
Tree kangaroos....