Inquiry-Based Learning
Students get hands on experience in Guided Discovery, just as with Inquiry-based learning. This leads to understanding of the content.
Guided Discovery is a developmentally appropriate practice. "If effectively illustrated, even young children can understand concepts that are somewhat abstract" (Eggen & Kauchak, 2012, p. 147).
Guided Discovery increases student involvement and success. "Involvement is a major factor that increases people's intrinsic interest in an activity" (Eggen & Kauchak, 2012, p. 146).
The Benefits of Guided Discovery
"Student have opportunities to stretch their thinking and work independently'' (Denton & Bechtel, 2004).
Guided Discovery Features
Learning Objectives
Content explored through self-directed learning
Guided Discovery
Reinforce understanding through practice
Multiple Intelligences
by Yvette Hayes
Mastery Learning
Guided Discovery addresses a variety of learning styles including bodily-kinesthic, logical, and interpersonal.
Madeline Hunter and Robert Marzano
What teachers need to know:
1. Technological Knowledge
2. Content Knowledge
3. Pedagogical Knowledge
1.Anitcipatory Set
2. Objective and Purpose
3. Input & Modeling
5. Checking for Understanding
6. Guided Practice
7. Independent Practice
8. Closure
Mastery Learning and Guided Learning share many of the same features (introduction, modeling, checking for understanding, closure) that make the classroom an environment for successful learning.
Bruce, B. (n.d.). What is inquiry-based learning? Retrieved November 27, 2014, from
Denton, P., & Bechtel, L. (2004, August 1). Responsive Classroom. Retrieved November 27, 2014, from
Heick, T. (2013, June 20). Merging Basic Lesson Design With Technological Pedagogical Knowledge -. Retrieved November 27, 2014, from
Multiple Intelligences | Small Wonders School. (n.d.). Retrieved November 27, 2014, from