Oralism is part of oppression?
Yes, because a oralism provided members of the privileged classes a way to change their children's education and an opportunity to keep them away from the deaf community.
For more than a century, doctor and teacher had typically advised parents not to allow their deaf children to learn sign language and it would impede their children;s progress toward English skill.
Audism: They discriminating against someone because they are deaf.
Methods of Education in Oralism
History of Oralism
In 1760 Braidwood Academy was established. A school for the deaf in Scotland, but they are mainly focused on the oral method.
Alexander Graham Bell played major roll in establishing Oralism in America.
In 1880, Milan Italy, a conference was held that almost eradicated sign language.
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What it is oralism?
Deaf people can communicate with hearing people that do not know ASL thus they can be apart of the hearing community.
Speech Therapy which meaning a lot of sounding out words correctly, and lip reading skills.
It is not their native language and because they cannot hear. It is difficult and frustrating to learn.
Deaf people are visual people, so ASL is their natural language.
One way is that deaf people only learn oralism then they can communicate with hearing people as equality.
Oralism is the system of teaching deaf people to communicate by the use of speech and lip-reading than sign language
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