Dr. Ida Gray Nelson Rollins
About Dr. Rollins
at an early age she and her parents moved to
Cincinnati, Ohio.
She was the first African American woman to graduate from the University
of Michigan Dental School. She received her DDS degree in 1890.
First African American woman in America to earn
a Doctor of Dental Surgery Degree.
She returned to Cincinnati to establish a
very successful private practice.
First African American to practice dentistry in
Chicago & mentored other African American women.
She became active in several Chicago women's organizations, and she was often singled out as an example of what African American women could accomplish.
Born on February 20, 1890 in Clarksville, Tennessee.
She died on May 3, 1953.
She attended Gaines Public High School in
Cincinnati, graduating in 1887.
TinaTsoi, Tammy Tindugan, & Matthew Fabian