A- Andersonville Prison
Andersonville prison was a confederate prison. It was often crowded and unsanitary.
B- Battle of Antietam
Antietam was the bloodiest one day battle in American History. This battle led to Lincoln to issue the Emancipation Proclamation
D- Jefferson Davis
He was the sixteenth president
of the Confederate States of
America. He was also inaugurated
in Montgomery, Alabama
E- Emancipation Proclamation
The Emancipation Proclamation was issued by Abraham Lincoln. It also freed the slaves in the Confederacy
F- David Farragut
Was the first U.S. Navy Admiral.
He was also responsible for the
successful blockade of the South
G- Gettysburg
Gettysburg was a turning point in the Civil War.
It was also a Union victory, with over 50,000 casualties
H-John B. Hood
Confederate commander who fought in Atlanta.
He was defeated by Sherman and he was forced to evacuate the city
A union strategy to obstruct all confederate ports.
The union spent money to build 74 ironclads or armored ships.
J- Joseph E. Johnson
Johnson was a confederate general who replaced General Bragg. He fought against Sherman's troops and he was unsuccessful. he was later replaced by General John B. Hood
K- King Cotton Diplomacy
This was a South political strategy during the Civil War. There idea was that British and French would help them in the war, since they depended on the cotton
L- Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln was the sixteenth president of the U.S. He also issued the Emancipation Proclamation
M- Manuel Chaves
Lieutenant Colonel Manuel Chaves
was in charge of the first New Mexico
Volunteers. He also fought at the battle of Valverde.
N- Neutral
The border states stayed neutral.
Only for a whlie
O- Charles Olmstead
He was a 25 year old commander.
He was forced to surrender Fort Pulaski to
the Union.
Q- eQual rights
Not everybody had equal rights. Such,as slaves. Which was one of the causes of the Civil War
R- Robert E. Lee
An American Career Officer. Was best best known for commanding the confederate army.
S- Sherman's March to the Sea
Sherman's march to the sea was north's strategy from marching to Atlanta to Savannah. Burning and destroying military and civilian targets in its path.
T- Technology
Technology was getting more advanced in the war. Such as guns and cannons.
U- Union Blockade of Georgia's coast
Union strategy used on georgia's coast. It stopped all ships carring goods to enter Georgia
V- Virginia
Virginia was a confederate state. Virginia was aslo the sight with the most battles
W- Washington
Was an important leadership during the Civil War. It was not yet the capital of the U.S.
General Lee surrendered to General Grant in Appomattox Court House in Virgina, On April 9, 1865. After that the Civil War was officially over.
Y- Years
Many people thought that the war would only last 90 days, since there were more union states than confederatee states. It turned out to be wrong the war lasted 4 years.
Z- Zero (casualties)
The war started in Fort Sumter when the Confederates
wanted to take over. It had 0 casualties
Civil War- ABC Picture Book
C- Chickamauga
Chickamauga was the biggest battle fought in Georgia. It was also a Confederate Victory