Detecting Yeast tRNA Nucleotidyltransferase
Protein:Protein Interactions Using the Yeast
Two-Hybrid System
What's Next
- Yeast transformation this week
- E. coli transformation of MRT4 and GIS2 in the near future
ARP6 Focus
ARP6 PCR Product
ARP6 Transformation into E.coli
- Expected product size between 1000bp-1500bp since ARP6 is 1317bp in size.
- Colony 2- ARP6 inserted in correct orientation
- Obtained two fragments after digesting with EcoRV:
--2,250bp and 4,767bp
Ligation of ARP6
Correct Orientation
Wrong Orientation
- Fragments of 2,250bp and 4,767bp
- Fragments of 1,850bp and 5,167bp
Potential Candidates
- Function: Actin-related protein that binds nucleosomes
- Potential: Identified physical interaction with CCA1
- Function: Nuclear pore protein involved in
--nuclear export of pre-tRNA
--re-export of mature tRNAs
- Potential: Identified genetic interaction
- Function: component of glycolysis and gluconeogenesis
--Also assists in importing tRNA into the mitochondria
- Potential: Identified physical interaction with CCA1
- Function: Nuclear exosome-associated nucleic acid binding protein; involved in RNA processing, transport, etc.
- Potential: Identified genetic interaction
Why is this important?
- Positive interactions are important for localization of tRNA-NT
- Helps us see effects of selected proteins on tRNA-NT
- Using the yeast two-hybrid system to detect protein:protein interactions between bait (CCA1) and selected proteins.
- Confirming positive interactions found by high-throughput methods
Positive interaction= transcription will occur