Digital Disrespect
- Spreading negative or embarrassing information (whether true or not) via text, pic, or video about someone behind their back or to their face.
Have some Respect!
Statistics to Consider...
- 50% of teens post risky comments or photos online.
- 28% of teens admitted to sexting
- Nearly 22% of teens admit that technology makes them personally more forward and aggressive.
Don't be pressured to sext
Healthy Relationships
- 38% of teens say exchanging sexy content makes dating or hooking up with another person more likely.
- 29% (nearly 1/3) of teens believe those exchanging sexy content are 'expected' to date or hook up.
Unhealthy Relationships
- Acceptance
- Comfort
- Kindness
- Strong self-esteem
- Humor/fun
- Can be yourself
- Still are independent
- Communicate well
- Fair fights
- Support
- Happiness
- Trust
- Love
- Affection
- Equality
- Mutual respect
- Friendship
- Laughter
- Common interests
- Honesty
Laughter cures!
- Unfair fights
- Other person tries to change you
- Lies
- Manipulation
- Lack of understanding
- No fun
- Fearful
- Controlling
- No trust
- No respect
- Jealousy
- Abuse - can be emotional, physical, or sexual
- Bad / no communication
- Low self-esteem
- Power issues
- Alienation of family / friends
Every 9 seconds in the US a woman is assaulted or beaten.
What is Digital Dating Abuse?
- Unwanted and repeated phone calls, texts, or messages
- Pressure to share private or embarrassing photos or videos
Sexting: sending inappropriate photos/videos through mobile devices.
FACT: sending sexts under age 18 is considered child pornography - punishment is jail time and put on sex offender registry
What Does Love Mean?
"Love is what makes you smile when you are tired."
"Love is a little old woman and a little old man who are still best friends even after they know each other so well."
"When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You just know that your name is safe in their mouths."
"Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it every day."
You really shouldn't say "I love you" if you don't mean it. But if you mean it, say it a lot. People forget.
Debbie & Paul 2007
Relationships & Digital Age
8th Grade Interpersonal Communication and Relationship