Environmental Health Assessment: 01609
- Environment conducive to health and well-being, both physically and psychologically
- Desirable living condition, clean streets
- Plenty of pubic areas, restaurants
- Heart conditions, infant mortality significant
- Incidences of poverty
Industry: Past
History and Geography
Community Diagnosis/Interventions
- 19th century Worcester: Textile mills were the main industry.
- Manufactured machines
- Thread and cloth
- Corduroy, wire, nails, paper
- Posed a threat of pollution during the time period
- Transportation hub in the industrial era.
- The Providence-to-Worcester Blackstone Canal- 1828
- Railroad connecting Worcester and Boston- 1835
Population Statistics
Risk for communicable disease spread related to crowded living conditions as evidenced by multiple housing buildings in close
proximity in downtown area.
Primary prevention: Education
- health risks factors r/t crowded living condition
- spread of communicable diseases/infections
- chain of transmission/how to protect oneself
- importance of prevention: vaccination/ proper hand washing
Secondary Prevention
- Routine screenings of at risk population for common communicable diseases related to crowded living
- Effectively treating the infected
- reporting the infectious diseases
- investigating contacts/finding new cases
- quarantining/ isolating infected people
Tertiary Prevention
- Helping patients adhere to the ordered drug regimen
- Enourage caregivers to continue to use precautions
- Farmer's Market
- Community garden available
- A variety of food options from 48 different culturally diverse restaurants
- Restaurants are located mainly in downtown
- Mostly local community owned businesses
- Known as the “heart of the commonwealth.”
- Town of Worcester established in 1722
- Declared a city in 1848
- About 40 miles west of Boston
- Many hills that overlook the Blackstone River
- 473 miles above sea level
- Population of Worcester, MA: 183,016 (2014)
- About 4,759 people per square mile
- Population of 01609: 22, 241
- Average age of residents is 28.5 years old
- People age 20-24 years old make up most of the population
- Caucasians: 16,467 people
- Hispanic or Latino: 4,083
- African American: 1,984 people.
- Veterans: 1,025
(Nies & McEwen, 2015)
(Sloan et al., 2015)
(Worcester Historical Museum, 2013)
Community Diagnosis/Interventions
- Injury Deaths: 329
- Poisonings accounted for 28%
- 20% of them were Motor Vehicle related
- Mortality: 9.8 per 100,000
- Homicides : 1.7 per 100,000 deaths
- Suicide rates are among the highest in Mass
- 7.2 per 100,000 (state avg: 6.6)
- Firearm mortality 3.1 per 100,000
- Fall related injuries
- 2,146 per 100,000
- This is lower than the state avg of 2,275
- HIV incidence: 8.3
- Lower than the state avg of 12.7
- Mortality rate for HIV/AIDS:
- 2.9 per 100,000
- Asthma rates is highest in the state at 11.6
- Pediatric prevalence is 9.8
History and Geography
(United States Census Bureau, 2010)
(Massachusetts Department of Public Health, 2007)
Risk for violence r/t to low income as evidenced by a significant number
of the population living below poverty level reported by the United
States Census Bureau report.
Primary Prevention
- Fostering increased awareness of violence
- Educate the population about problems concerning violence
- Offering training on anger management and conflict resolution/de-escalation
- Offering mentoring/peer programs to promote healthy relationships
- starting at at young age- and continuing throughout adulthood
Secondary Prevention
- Treating injuries
- Providing physical and emotional support, counseling
- Providing a 24 hour abuse hotline number
- Interprofessional team (social workers, police, and protective services)
Tertiary Prevention
- Encouraging use of community resources: anger management classes
- Exploring access to legal options for victims
- Known for its historic buildings from the colonial-era
- First influenza epidemic in 1918
- in 4 months there were 6,884 reported cases of influenza and pneumonia
- resulting in 1,294 deaths
- Known for business in research and technology
- Also becoming a well-known education center
- industries and businesses:
- Construction
- Manufacturing
- Food services
- Wholesale
- Retail trade
- Transportation and administrative facilities.
- Industries in this area do not appear to be causing a lot of pollution
- Windshield survey: WPI, Becker, and Assumption College
- Worcester Art Museum
- American Antiquarian Society
- Various temples and churches
- Jewish Healthcare Center
(University of Michigan, 2017)
(Nies & McEwen, 2015)
(Slabbert, 2016)
- Total housing units 8,170
- Occupied housing 7,049
- Vacant houses 1,121
- 50% of houses built in 1939 or earlier
- Owner-occupied housing 2,783
- Renter-occupied housing 4,266
- Majority of houses are well maintained
- Mostly single family homes
- Median house value of $292,000
- House larger further from downtown
- Infant mortality:
- 13.9 per 1,000 births
- Heart Disease Mortality:
- 196.8 per 100,000 (state average is 182.5)
- Diabetes Mortality:
- 22.6 per 100,000 (state average is 18.4)
- Cancer Mortality:
- Colorectal- 18.3 per 100,000
- Breast- 23.2 per 100,000
- Prostate- 27.7 per 100,000
- Lung- 55.4 per 100,00
- Drug and Alcohol use:
- Tobacco- 21.2%
- Illicit drugs- 7. 2%
- Binge Drinking- 15.8%
- <50% of the population are paid employees
- People 16+ years are about 53% of those employed
- 25.7% live below the poverty
- Average household income is $43,729.
- The average household size is 2.34.
- About 80.7% is a high school graduate/ college graduate
- 2 to 3 bedroom apartments and single family homes
- Rent: 4,266 Own: 2,783
- Few of these houses have no plumbing or kitchen facilities (35 and 95)
- There are 6 low income housing complexes available
Built Environment
- 01609 encompasses the area of Salisbury Street, part of Highland Street and Pleasant Street, and a small portion of Park Ave
- Major landmarks
- Worcester Art Museum
- Assumption College
- Becker College
- Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
- Jewish Healthcare Center
Image References
City Data. (2017). Worcester. Retrieved from
Massachusetts Department of Public Health. (2007). Regional health status indicators
Massachusetts. Retrieved from http://www.mass.gov/eohhs/docs/dph/research-epi/central-region-report.pdf
Nies, M.A., & McEwen, M. (2015). Community public health nursing (6th ed.). St. Louis, MS:
Slabbert, I. (2016). Domestic violence and poverty. Research on Social Work Practice,
27(2), 223-230. Doi: 10.1177/1049731516662321
Sloan, C., Chandrasekhar, R., Mitchel, E., Schaffner, W., & Lindegren, M. L. (2015).
Socioeconomic disparities and influenza hospitalizations, Tennessee, USA. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 21(9), 1602-1610. Doi: 10.3201/eid2109.141861
United States Census Bureau. (2010). American fact finder: 01609. Retrieved from
University of Michigan Center for the History and Medicine and Michigan Publishing.
(2017). The American influenza epidemic of 1918-1919. Influenza Encyclopedia. Retrieved from https://www.influenzaarchive.org/cities/city-worcester.html#
Worcester Historical Museum. (2013). Worcester’s industrial heritage. Retrieved from:
01609. (n.d.). USZip.com. Retrieved from http://www.uszip.com/zip/01609.
(United States Census Bureau, 2015).
AirNow. (2017). Current AQI [Photograph]. Retrived from
Dumas, K. (2017, September 20). Team 01609 [Photograph].
Google Maps. (2017). Worcseter, MA 01609 [Photograph]. Retrieved from https://www.google.com/maps/place/Worcester,+MA+01609/@42.2845729,-71.8450619,14.54z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x89e406e642533d23:0x5f0997b9110c189!8m2!3d42.2971508!4d-71.8393443
Macalpine, A. (2017, September 20). Elm park elementary school [Photograph].
Macalpine, A. (2017, September 20). Downtown 01609 [Photograph].
Morrison, J. (2017, September 20). Elm park elementary school [Photograph].
Soucy, M. (2017, September 20). Murals [Photograph].
Soucy, M. (2017, September 20). Salisbury street [Photograph].
- 4 seasons:
- The average temperature in the winter is 23.3 degrees Fahrenheit
- The average temperature in the summer 69.9 degrees Fahrenheit.
- 47.60 inches of rain annually
- 67.4 inches of snow
(Massachusetts Department of Public Health, 2007)
(United States Census Bureau, 2010)
- Welcoming neighborhood
- Lots of trees and green areas
- Community public parks
- Many options for public transportation available (buses, Uber, and taxi)
- Adequate sidewalks and crosswalks
- Limited bicycle lane path
- Roads in good working conditions
- Traffic lights properly placed
- Community evenly serviced
- Five schools (public & privite)
- Murals