In July, Stacy...
Stacy finally buys a 1991 Ford Tracer...
...And drives it to the Piper family reunion
Paxton and Stacy break up :(
Someone breaks in and steals Stacy's TV, and she has to buy a new one.
Stacy gets promoted to a full-time manager at
Stacy and Paxton work out the fight and get back together
and a few days later, Paxton proposes!
The End!
Amber Skelton
Jenna Collier
Stacy spends Valentine's Day with Paxton
They go to an Aerosmith concert!
The Life of Stacy Piper
After turning 18 and graduating high school, Stacy's parents decided that she needs to learn how to live on her own. They gave her one suitcase of clothes and a stern goodbye, and off she went!
Stacey gets hired at in Carbondale!
She stays at her friend Rachel's house for two weeks and mooches off her food.
And then...
She finds a small studio apartment at Westwood Apartments in Carbondale, IL.
Stacy's first bank account! (Deposits $234.47)
She has to buy groceries.
She buys kitchen necessities.
Gets a cell phone
throws a 4th of July party!
Gets job at Monte Alegre Vineyard and Cellars in Carbondale
And they begin to date
Goes on a dinner date, and Stacy pays for a movie and snacks. ($38)
After eating so much at Thanksgiving and Christmas, Stacy makes a New Year's Resolution to work out, and gets a Gold's Gym membership.
She takes a mini-trip with Paxton to see her family in Anna.
Clothes shopping!
Some last minute Christmas shopping...
A new winter coat...
...And a New Years Eve party!!
New flat screen Tv!
Paxton has a birthday!
Thanksgiving with Stacy and Paxton's families
Stacy goes Christmas shopping on Black Friday!
Stacy and Paxton take a trip to see Stacy's brother play at AJ...
...Then she finds the perfect costume...