Intra-Asian Trade
A big trading network between India, The East Indies and Japan
The modern city of Amsterdam
1.3 Amsterdam: Centre of world trade
Because the VOC needed money they issued shares..
What is a share?
The Netherlands and Amsterdam
is a save haven for all!
Freedom of conscience meant that everybody was allowed to have their own beliefs, worldview and faith...
Amsterdam Canals
Amsterdam design
Smart trading: Sell goods when the prices are very high!
Protestant church
Jewish synagogue
Catholic church
A very special company
For example: Sell grain when there is a famine (that's when there is a shortage of food and people are really hungry...)
If a company does well and makes money, everybody that has shares will get a piece of the profit. We call this dividend.
This meant that Protestants, Catholics and Jews lived together in peace. This was very uncommon during that time..
The 'boss' of the VOC who looked after everything in the East-Indies was called the Governor-General...
People from all over the world come to Amsterdam because there is freedom of conscience there...
If you buy a share you invest money in a company..
Took over the Banda Islands with brute force! Killing a lot of men, women and children..
Jan Pieterszoon Coen
A very special company
The VOC could:
- Have an own army
- Wage war
- Take and execute prisoners
- Establish colonies
- Set up trading posts
These special rights/advantages
are called privileges...
De handelsproducten in Amsterdam kwamen van over de hele wereld! Dit was het gevolg van de ontdekkingsreizen.
The VOC was the first multinational in the world!
They colonized a lot of the Indonesian islands!
The power of the VOC
The management of the VOC was called..
Pepper, nutmeg,
mace, cloves, tea
Slaves, tobacco, sugar cane,
Tradeposts and colonies with
Tradeposts and colonies
in Indonesia
Yes, mainly against the Spanish
Consequences for the world because of the worldtrade:
Rulers in (East-Indies) Asia: The VOC often forced the people what kind of product they should produce on their lands.
The people in Africa: Some Africans were sold as slaves and were forced to work on plantations in America.
The Indians in America: The Indians lost their lands and almost got extinct.
Now read page 13 about Intra-Asian trade and
work on question 7,9 and 10 on page 12,13 and 14.
....Heeren 17 (Lords Seventeen)
The Monopoly of the VOC
West-Indische Compagnie (WIC)
Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie
Before the VOC and WIC there was..
Monopoly = being the only company who has the right to trade
Privateering "Kaapvaart"
Conquest of the Silverfleet
Founded in 1602, sailed to the East Indies
Slavetrade and slavery
Histoclip Slavery
Cloves "Kruidnagel"
The VOC was the only company allowed to get spices from the East Indies!
Three movieclips about the VOC
Mace herb
Originates from two
tiny islands!
Terribly rare and expensive!
Twelve Year's Truce
A truce between
Spain and
The Seven United Netherlands
Ehm, dude, what am I supposed to do now?
This made Maurice,
as the stadtholder
(the person who leads the army),
1.2 The First multinationals: VOC and WIC
Merchants fled from Antwerp to Amsterdam in 1585!
To war with Spain again! (1621)
Yay! Peace!
The argument ends in 1619, with Johan van Oldenbarnevelt being decapitated at age 72!
Trade by ships. A popular ship was the Fluytship (Fluitship)
Calvinism is a form of protestantism
Finally, in 1648, the war between The Seven United Netherlands and Spain is over!
van Oldenbarnevelt
Peace of Münster
Close minded
Open minded
Frederick Henry
Maurice dies
Louis XIV (1638 - 1715)
Palace of Versailles
1.5 The Scientific Revolution
1.4: Absolutism: Divine Kings
Empiricism (Emperical Thinking):
We call a country with a king a monarchy.
During the 17th century people started to think for themselves.. And not just trust what the church said..
Research through experiments!
"God want me to be king of France! That's why I can rule alone and listen to no one else!"
European kings depended on the nobility for taxes and their armies.
In other words, money and soldiers... That meant that the nobility was quite powerful. Sometimes a nobleman would riot against his king!
Rationalism: Research based on reasoning and logic
King Louis XIV wanted to have all the power in France. So no more power for the nobility! We call that absolutism.
So there are no experiments!
Divine right of kings
No censorship in the Netherlands meant freedom for the scientists!
Now read page 18 and 19!
Why?? Because I say so!
So God is commanding you!
Republiek Der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden
- Provincial States
- States General
- Regenten
- Stadtholder
The Republic of the Seven United Netherlands
- Verdraagzaamheid
- Cultuur
- Republiek
- Wereldeconomie
- Gouden Eeuw
- Cultuur
- Slavenhandel
- Verdraagzaamheid
1.5: Other Europeans discover the world
- Monopoly
- East-Indies
- First Stadtholderless Period
- Orangists
- Anti-Orangists
- Johan de Witt
Each province is ruled
by rich men called "Regenten".
They assemble in the Provincial States
Which word does
NOT belong in the list?
Explain why!!!
- Rationalism
- Empiral Thinking
- Privilege
- Scientific Revolution
- Armenzorg
- Verdraagzaamheid
- Handelsmonopolie
- Politiek
The Republic of the Seven United Netherlands
The seven provinces only
worked together on very big
political subjects like:
- War
- Trade
"Money is power"
Holland was by far
the richest province
- Intra-Asian Trade
- Jan Pieterszoon Coen
- Spices
- Slavery
- Triangular Trade
Grand pensionary Johan van
Clip about the Golden Age
Welk begrip past bij het plaatje of tekst en waarom?
"Nog even en er kan echt niets mij bij in het pakhuis! We moeten nu echt wat verkopen, alleen de prijs is nu nog zo laag! In januari zal de prijs van koffie stijgen, daar ben ik zeker van! We wachten nog even..."
"Tijdens de reis waren er 20 van de 240 slaven overleden. Gelukkig hadden we ze goedkoop ingekocht! De overige 220 slaven brachten genoeg op om 400 zakken rietsuiker en 300 balen koffie te kopen. Als ik straks in Amsterdam aankom, heb ik zoveel winst gemaakt dat ik een mooi nieuw handelsschip kan laten bouwen!!"
The Golden Age of the Dutch Republic