Why Civic Values?
Katie Tessier
What are Civic Values?
Who Needs Civic Values?
Technology and Civics
- According to SCCCRS...
- Standard K-2: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the purpose of rules and the role of authority figures in a child’s life.
- Standard 1-2: The student will demonstrate an understanding of how government functions and how government affects families.
- Standard 1-3: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the principles of American democracy and the role of citizens in upholding those principles.
- Standard 2-2: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the structure and function of local, state, and national government.
- And this is just in elementary school...
- South Carolina requires civic values in the South Caroline College and Career Readiness Standards mandated by the state for Social Studies
- Civic Values assist in the growth of productive members of American society
- Starting in kindergarten, social studies standards are created to help students learn to "participate effectively in civic life..."
- There are a variety of websites that can be used to teach civics, such as:
- https://www.icivics.org/
- Use this for resources for you as the teacher and games for the students (such as Run for president or pass a law.)
- http://constitutioncenter.org/learn/educational-resources/we-the-civics-kids/
- Learn about the importance of the Constitution
- Use these and more to introduce your students to a wide variety of civics concepts.
How can we teach civic values?
- Civic values are already clearly defined in the SCCCRS
- Follow these as a guideline
- Use technology, textbooks, literature, and hands-on learning to effectively teach civics
- Most importantly: model good civic values every day!
Importance of Civics
Textbooks and Civics
- Remember, civics helps create productive, knowledgeable members of our democratic society in America.
- Students must have a foundational understanding of why there are authority figures to build up and learn about the government.
- We have to start early to create the foundation.
- Textbooks often align with state standards, so find the chapter for your grade level outlining specific civics topics.
- If you're learning about elections in the text:
- Encourage your students to run for president of the classroom and hold elections.
- Create hands-on activities from the standards required.