Woodcock Johnson Test of Achievement
General Information
- Woodcock Johnson Test of Achievement 3rd Edition
- Riverside Publishing
- Authors: Richard Woodcock Ph.D., Nancy Mather Ph.D. and Kevin S. McGrew Ph.D.
- Battery of 10-42 subtests, 5-10 min each
- $444.00 for WJ III ACH Battery
- Test measures both cognitive ability and academic achievement
- General Information
- Purpose and Nature of Test
- Practical Evaluation
- Normative data
- Reliability
- Validity
- Reviewer comments
- Summary
- References
Normative Data
Revision History
- Test cannot be scored by hand, score is a product of normative analysis.
- Provides deficiency data for further testing
- Co-normative between WJ III COG and ACH
- Normative data for grades K-Grad
- Normative data for ages 2-90+
Normative Data
- Norms grouped by grade, minimum n = 198 (graduate student) maximum n=582 (4th grade)
- Population size: 5,948
- Further grouped by decade (i.e. 20-29, 30-29, etc.) minimum n=147 (80+) maximum n=1,011 (20-29)
- Population size: 8,818
- Randomized 10 community and 13 socio-economic variables
- Uses continuous-year norms
Normative Data
- Test-retest reliability for the achievement subtests in the battery vary from 0.69 to 0.96 with an average reliability of 0.83 and a median of 0.88
- Inter-rater reliability scores largely not applicable, average reliability of 0.81 for those which it is.
- Benefit to co-norming two tests: discrepancy scores
- Percentile rank
- SD discrepancy
- Intra-Ability discrepancy
- Intra-Individual
- Intra-Cognitive
- Intra-Achievement
- Ability/Achievement Discrepancy
- Predicted/actual achievement
- Intellectual/achievement
- Oral language ability/achievement
- WJ-R (1989)
- Integrated Gf-Gc Theory
- Larger normative sample
- Item revisions
- WJ III (2001)
- Increased use of Cattell-Horn-Carroll Theory
- Addition of 7 subtests
- 5 broad categories added to WJ III COG
- WJ III COG divided into verbal/thinking ability and cognitive efficiency
- Normative update to WJ III (2007)
- Face validity - W scores correlated to known developmental patterns.
- Construct validity - Confirmatory factor analytic models conforming to the ability strata defined by CHC theory
- Construct validity - Moderate inter-correlation between unrelated clusters (0.5-0.7)
- Alternate forms reliability was determined via 100-400 item banks arranged on a difficulty gradient.
- Forms A and B correlate between 0.85 and 0.96 for various age groups.
- Concurrent Validity - General and Brief Intellectual ability scores of the WJ III COG correlate with Wechsler at ~0.7
- Concurrent Validity - WJ III ACH correlates at 0.78 with Wechsler Individual achievement test.
Reviewer Comments
- "Substantive Evidence....Broad and narrow abilities are measured" (Shrank, 2001)
- "Good concurrent validity overall" (Shrank, 2001)
- "Reliabilities are sufficiently high, almost all in the .90’s" (Shrank, 2001)
Purpose and Nature of Test
- 20 tests of cognitive ability, 22 tests of achievement
- Verbal/thinking ability, cognitive efficiency
- Reading (5 tests) Oral Language (4 tests) Math (4 tests) Written Language (4 tests) Knowledge (1 test) Supplemental (4* tests)
- Standard Battery (12 tests)
- Extended Battery (22 tests)
- Woodcock-Johnson Psychoeducational Battery 1977
- Authored by Richard Woodcock Ph.D. and Mary Bonner Johnson
- First of it's kind: IQ/Achievement battery
- Became diagnostic criteria of learning disabilities
- Ages 2-90+
- The WJ III Test of achievment displays superior strengths in measuring the total cognitive profile of an individual
- Co-normative data allows valid inferences to be made within a single test
- Test could do a better job representing ethnic and socio-economic minorities.
- Flanagan, D. (2001). Comparative Features of the WJ III Tests of Cognitive Abilities (Woodcock-Johnson III: Assessment Service Bulletin No. 1) Itasca, IL: Riverside Publishing.
- McGrew, K.S., Werder, J.K., & Woodcock, R.W. (1991). WJ-R Technical Manual. Itasca, IL: Riverside Publishing.
- Plake, B., Impara, J., & Spies, R. (2003). Fifteenth Mental Measurements Yearbook. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press.
- Schrank, F. A., McGrew, K. S., & Woodcock, R. W. (2001). Technical Abstract (Woodcock-Johnson III Assessment Service Bulletin No.2). Itasca, IL: Riverside Publishing.
- Woodcock, RW, McGrew, KS, & Mather N (2001) WJ OOO Otasca, IL: Riverside publishing
Practical Evaluation
- Scoring
- Comparison to normative data for grade
- Standard Score
- Percentile Rank
- W score
- Analyzes 5 Broad CHC Factors:
- Reading-Writing (i.e. reading/writing fluency)
- Mathematics (i.e. calculation)
- Comprehension-knowledge (i.e. Story recall)
- Auditory processing (i.e. sound spelling)
- Long-term retrieval (delayed recall)