330,470 stock brokers employed throughout the United States
After stop
- Being a stockbroker seems like a challenging and competitive job field to be in. The harder you work and the more money motivated you are, the more you will make.
- Salaries vary hugely
- Based mostly on commission
- Average is about 100,000$ in the US
- I can expect to earn 50-60k starting out in a good spot
Works Cited
How Much Does a Stockbroker Make? access2knowledge.org, 14 Oct. 2013. Web. 17 Sept. 2014. <http://www.access2knowledge.org/jobs-education/how-much-does-a-stock-broker-make/>.
"Stockbroker." Investopedia. Investopedia US, A Division of IAC, 2014. Web. 17 Sept. 2014. <http://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/stockbroker.asp>.
"Stockbroker Career Guide." My Job Search.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Sept. 2014. <http://www.myjobsearch.com/careers/stockbroker.html>.
"Stockbrokers - Working Conditions." Illinois Pathways. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Sept. 2014. <http://www.illinoisworknet.com/vos_portal/residents/en/Prepare/Careers/career_listings.htm?occStatus=OP&occType=conditions&occText=Stockbrokers&jobId=&jobText=&occId=100444>.
The highest concentrations of stock brokers are employed in New York City, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, and Dallas
Most stock brokers spend long hours beyond the standard 40-hour week behind a desk
- very high degree of social contact
- To be a good stockbroker you have to have good decision making skills
- Also- it's a competitive work environment.
Education and Experience
-Competitive Job Interviews
-College education in accounting, finance, economics, or any other financial subjects
-Being an intern/apprentice first, training
-No education is required
Career Research Project-Stockbroker
- Investment banks
- Market Makers
- Asset Management firms
- Private Client stockbrokers
Educational Planning
Chaz Franchina Per 2
-Junior College
-UC school
-Econoics, Finance, and accounting
-About 4-6 years worth of education
-UC school because my tuition is pre paid for because my dad served in the Marine Core
-Try and land an internship as soon as possible
-Then land the job interview
-Make sure I'm abreast of current financial trends and seem passionate and competitive
-Always apply early
Why I chose stockbroker
- Interest in finance
- COIN3's career assessment.
- Wolf Of Wall Street
Definition of 'Stockbroker'
1. An agent that charges a fee or commission for executing buy and sell orders submitted by an investor.
2. The firm that acts as an agent for a customer, charging the customer a commission for its services.
- Related fields Include Other Financial jobs or salespeople
Career Advancement
- Within the industry, it is possible to move between a variety of the related jobs I mentioned before.
- Some stockbrokers will go into trading and/or investment management where the benefits institutional clients can provide prestige and more money
- All about the money
- Building about clients and experience is the most important