A Prosperous Life: The Road Ahead...
Thank you
What is a
Poverty Mindset?
- Constantly worried about money, thinking about your lack of money, wishing you had more, and being envious of people who have more money than you.
- Having a strong dislike of ‘rich’ people, yet wanting what they have. It can lead to reckless acts where, as soon as money is acquired, it's spent on luxuries. This is self-sabotaging behavior, which makes it difficult to save money.
- In middle class, the people tend to make decisions that relate to work and achievement
- The bottom line in generational poverty is entertainment and relationships
- In wealth, it's the financial, social, and political connections which matter most!
General Rule
Social Emphasis
To be used, spent.
Include people you like.
Key Question: Did you have enough? Quantity important.
For entertainment.
Sense of humor is valued.
Clothing valued for individual style and expression of personality.
Bottom Line:
Driving Forces
To be managed.
Emphasis is on self-governance and self-sufficiency.
Is for acquisition and stability. Achievement is highly valued.
Key Question: Did you like it? Quality Important.
Clothing valued for its quality and acceptance into middle class norms. Labels important.
Is for establishing social, political, and financial connections.
Clothing valued for its artistic sense and expression. Designer important.
Key Question: Was it presented well? Presentation important.
One of kind objects, legacies etc.
Emphasis is on "excluding"
most people.
To be conserved and invested.
World View
Family Structure
Sees world in terms of local setting
Tends to be matriarchal
Casual Register. Language is about survival.
Believes in fate. Can't do much to improve changes
Valued, but abstract - not seen as reality
Present is most important. Decisions made for the moment & are based on feelings or survival
Sees world in terms of national setting
Tends to be patriarchal
Formal Register. Language is about negotiation.
Believes in choice. Can change future with good choices now.
Crucial for climbing ladder of success and making money.
Future most important.
Decisions made against future consequences.
Sees world in terms of international view.
Depends on who has the money.
Formal Register. Language is about networking.
Noblesse oblige: act generously toward the less fortunate.
- Making decisions based on fear. Fearful people tend to hoard for fear that they will never be able to buy again or they might lose-out.
Necessary for maintaining tradition and connections.
Traditions & history most important. Decisions made partially on the basis of tradition & decorum
Every language has three aspects:
The Role of Language in Success
- INTIMATE: Language lovers or twins
- CASUAL: Language between friends and is characterized by a 400-800 word vocabulary. Dependent upon verbal assists.
- CONSULTATIVE: Formal register. Discourse pattern not as direct as formal register.
- FORMAL: The standard sentence arrangement and word choice of work and school. It has complete sentences and specific word choice.
- FROZEN: Language that always is the same.
i.e. The Lord's prayer
The way the information is organized
The Hidden Rules
Social Class
How They Work!
The Hidden Rules of Social Class
- Thinking small. Small goals lead to small outcomes. Big goals require an optimistic attitude and willingness to take risk whereas small goals arise from pessimism and fear.
How it works...
Poverty is the extent to which an individual does without resources.
So what are those resources?
Living a Prosperous Life
Building A Bridge from Poverty to Prosperity
Generational vs. Situational
- Generational Poverty is defined as being in poverty for two generations or longer.
- Situational Poverty is a shorter time and is caused by circumstances (death, divorce, unemployment etc.).
Some Facts...
Hidden Rules
- Poverty is defined as the extent to which an individual does without resources.
- Every individual brings with him/her the "hidden rules" of the class in which he/she was raised
- Poverty is relative and occurs in all races.
- Even though a person's income may rise, the way they think (which their social class has taught them)may remain the same!
- Economic class (poor, middle-class, and rich) is a continuous line. Sometimes people move in and out of categories.
Some Key Points
to Remember...
Moving to the Next Level
Four Reasons One Leaves Poverty Are...
- To move from poverty to middle-class or middle-class to wealth, an individual must give up relationships for achievement (at least for some period of time).
- A special talent or skill
- Generally, moving to the next class requires a spouse or mentor from the that class to model (show you) the hidden rules of that class.
Moving to the Next Level
- Two things that help one move from poverty are education and relationships.
- Remember, individual growth is always based upon ... revelation, relationships, and a generational understanding of your future!
3 Laws of Prosperous Living
You Always Become Your
Dominant Image!
- When you look at yourself, what do you see?
Your Future Is Awaiting The Burial of Your Past!
- You cannot have two competing thoughts at the same time - one will always dominate!
- There are two types of memories in life - good ones and bad ones - Forget Both!
- Whatever image you have is exactly what you will gravitate towards and what will gravitate towards you!
You Cannot Change What You Consistently Tolerate!
- The hard truth is... part of us likes these things
I hate being
"The higher I went up the mountain, the less I could carry on my back. There are some things you just can't take with you to the top!"
- We tolerate then we navigate
I 'm sick of being broke...
- The desire and discipline to change will always require a clear and compelling vision
I wish he treated me better!?
- Make a list of things you've tolerated that you would like to change
The Road to a Prosperous Life:
The Hidden Rules of Social Class
Everything you have now and everything you will ever get in life is a function of what you think on, believe, and say!
The Road to