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Producing Keyblades to sell to fans of Kingdom Hearts
Square Enix- 50,000 start up
Bank- Leftovers
Marketing sales
First few months single keychains and 18 inch keyblades. Next few pack of keychains. After that 32 inch keyblades.
Finally costumes.
Certain amount f comments on Instagram gets free keyblade. Also monthly raffles that are free to enter.
Ultra Sabers
Gamers in America and Japan between the ages of 13-27
Create your own keyblade that expresses you as your own original keyblade weilder.
Have you ever sat down on your playstation, pop in Kingdom Hearts, and thought to yourself, "Man I wish I had a Keyblade"?
Year one- 472,080
Year two- 1,416,240
Year three-4,248,720
Not enough original Kingdom Hearts cosplay opportunity.
Social Media- Ryan Grady (r.i.p), KD Reno
Crafting- William and Rachel Lake, Devon Fuller (I hear he's organized)
Advertisements- Hannah Lee (r.i.p)
Financial- Olivia Brazell
Costumes- Lily Belanger, Johana Castro, Theresa Burleson