Francisco Vasquez De Coronado
The Americas
He decided to travel up into America to find something worth his time. But once again he found nothing. He did however meet some indian tribes but Francisco treated them with disrespect and stole their things. One day a conflict arose and in the end Francisco killed all the men in the tribes, (Over 400 men). He did show some mercy however and let all the women and children go.
Location 1
Salamanca Spain
Francisco De Coronado was born in 1510 in Salamanca Spain. He lived with his mother, father, and 3 older brothers. He decided to go out into the world and married Dona Beatriz. One day he heard a story about the seven cities of gold and decided then to be an explorer and look for the cities.
Location 2
Francisco sailed to Mexico at first with 2 ships supplied by the king of Spain, (His wife was a relative of the king). The trip was filled with many arguments and fights due to sea sickness. He didn't find anything at all during his stay in Mexico and many of his crew decided to go back to Spain. The ones that went back were the laughing stock of Spain because of not being able to find anything.
Interesting facts
- Francisco De Coronado actually did not attend school. His grandfather taught him what he needed to know.
- One day while Francisco's men where in America, Francisco's general saw a pretty female Native american and made someone else hold his horse so he could go talk to the girl. The man who held his horse was actually the girls husband. The general mistreated the girl and the husband reported it to Francisco. Francisco did nothing about it so the next night the husband and some friends stole 30 of Francisco's horses.