Systematic English Language Development Curriculum
Living Education Theory
LEP Low Proficiency
Need for Systematic ELD
Structure of English Language
- Proficiency means competent in academic English
- U.S. Depart. of Ed. (2003)-72% LEP performing below basic levels
- Achievement gap continues between LEP and EO through secondary school
- New ELA Adoption for District
- Dual-language program Spanish/English
- Rise in LEP learners
- Strategies for teachers
- Phonology-individual sounds
- Morphology-meaningful chunks
- Syntax-how words are put together
- semantics-how meaning is communicated
- Pragmatics-social interaction
Proficiency Levels
Data on Effectiveness
of Systematic ELD
- Emerging
- Expanding
- Bridging
- Miltipas School-74 point increase on Academic Performance Index from 2006 to 2011
- Oregon Dept. of Ed.-Launched initiative for Systematic ELD in 2005
- Reported 2008-40% of EL's required language support and by 2014 the number was reduced to 25%