Counselor vs. Teacher Advisor Role
Teacher Advisor
- Interact 4 times/wk with their TA
- Informational: Bulletin & school
- Visit freshman classes in the fall
- Sophomore year: Student/parent
individual planning
- Fall conference: Check in, get to
know advisee, check in on
academic & social progress
- Junior Parent Night & Junior group
- Spring conference: Scheduling for
the following year
- Senior meetings & college info
- Academic, college & career and
personal/social concerns
Upcoming Dates
Teacher Advisor Breakdown
Fall Conference: Week of October 9th-13th
- Sign ups will come soon
- Parent attendance is required
- Minimum day schedule all week
Spring Conference: Week of April 23rd-27th
- Sign up in the spring with TA
- Parent attendance is required
- Minimum day schedule all week
Sophomore Conference
- Student, parent & counselor planning conference
- December-April of sophomore year
NHS Basics
UC/CSU "A-G" Admission Requirements
NHS 9th and 10th grade Core Curriculum
- PE or Athletics (mandatory for 9th grade)
NHS Graduation Requirements
The Transition to High School
Involvement Opportunities
Supporting your student
Foundation Year
- Consistent time and place for homework
- Approx. 60-90 min. of homework per school night
- Assume they always have homework
- Athletics
- Visual and performing arts
- Clubs
- Community service
- Leadership/ASB
- Engage in discussions: What are they learning?
9th grade
Course placement
- College/career explorations
- Be open to student's goals
- Help them explore- Naviance
What do I do if my student is having difficulty?
How do I find out
how my student is doing in class ?
What can I
expect tonight
- Tutorial: Every Tuesday and Thursday
- Get help from teacher
- Prepare
- Freshman timeline
- Program of Studies
- Weekly bulletin
- Bell schedules
- Staff directory
- Athletics
- Club Info
- Quarter and semester report cards
- Tutoring Center: Monday-Thursday, 2-3 pm in Rm. 1302
- Contact info on NHS website under "staff directory"
- Parent-teacher conference/counselor conference
- Check online teacher sites
- Canvas
- Find out tonight which teacher uses what
Parent Portal
- Academic
- Social/emotional support
Back to School Night
After this presentation, you will visit each classroom on your student's schedule:
- Graduation and UC/CSU requirements
- Transition to high school
Health and Balance
Promoting health & balance for your student
- Common issues we see in counseling:
- Academic stress
- Communication issues
- Peer relationships
- Depression & anxiety
- Cultural issues
- Parental separation & divorce
- Sleep
Mental health resources at NHS
- Regular sleep cycle
- Diet and exercise
- Limit technological distractions
- Keep perspective regarding classes & schoolwork
- Talk to your student if something seems off
- Stress is a normal response to something you care about
- Help students learn to manage stress
- Mistakes are part of the learning process
- What can I learn from this experience?
- Praise students for their effort and not ability
- Make time for fun
- Common issues for 9th graders:
- Physical maturation
- Increased self-consciousness
- Friendships are re-examined
- Privacy becomes more important
- Communication changes
- Increased independence
Referrals to outside supports
Questions & Follow Up
- Powerpoint & packet on website