Ancient Greek ABc book
R is for ritual
By: Danielle Dubois
*A ritual is a action used in a religious ceremony.
L is for oligarcy
J is for jury
* The greeks used rituals to worship and praise gods.
1st period History
*Chap. 7
O is for oracle
*All important things they did were based off of rituals.
*The greeks hoped the gods would reward them for their rituals.
*Oligarcy is a government only run by a few people.
* The jury was used in 399 B.C. to find Socractes guilty and sentenced him to death.
*The spartans used an oligarcy and the athenians did not use it.
* The way he got killed was by drinking poision.
*Greeks visited orcales to see in their future.
*The way they voted in an oligarcy was be raising hands.
*Not only were they called jury they were also called people's court.
Through out the oligarcy they needed the public to exsit.
*The most famous oracle was deep in the temple.
T is for Tragedy
*The reason they called them the people's jury is because they listened to the people of Greece.
*The reason oracles started was because they wanted poeple to be confident in them selves.
A is for Artemis
* There was two different types of oracles you can get a priate or a public affair.
* pg. 222
* Artemis is the goddess of the hunt.
*A tragedy is a type of drama where the main charcter has to over come a hardship but ends up failing.
* Artemis was born before Apollo and it is said that she helped her mom deliever her brother.
* Apollo is Artemis' twin brother who is the god of light.
* These greek plays always ended tragic or unhappy.
C is for Calvary
*The reason she helped deliver her brother was because she is also the goddesss of child birth and would help women through child birth.
* If the greeks didn't invent tragedy then comedy would not have exsited.
*Calvary is a one part of an army that rides on horses
Pg 213 in book
*These were always from greek myths and stories.
*Alexanders 's army grew 24,000 soliders more then philip II ' s army
* Alexander's army crushed the persian forces
* Alexander got engineers to build him weapons like towers and catapults.
D is for drama
* The greeks had 3 types of drama.
* A drama is a story told by many words and actions.
*Most of the dramas that the greeks proformed were written from 500 to 350 b.c.
*The comedies that they did were based on mocked men in power.
K is for kings
u is for odysseus
m is for Myths
I is for Iliad
*Not only did they give them new jobs they also created more citites and military posts.
*The Iliad is an epic poem about a prince of troy who kidnaped the queen of Greece.
*The reason he liked her was because she was the most beautiful woman in Greece.
*The Kings liked to to give jobs to the greeks and macedonians.
* The Greeks tried to take revenge for taking the woman but they could not break through the walls which were too thick.
*Although city-states seperated Greece politically the greek people were united by a commom culture.
*After Alexander died people made cities and 4 generals.
Table of contents
*Since the walls were so thick they tried to take revenge by building a giant horse with greek soldiers inside that the trojans.
*Odysseus was the trojan war hero.
*In 31 b.c. the roman troops took over the places the macadonian king ruled.
*Pg. 215
V-SLavery in athens
Y is for Alexander's legacy
*A myth is a traditional story that explains that tells about gods and heros.
* Odysseus faced storms, witches, and monsters along the way home.
W- Epicurius
*Each writter told all the stories in their own way an example is that Zeus is the top of all gods and throw lightning bolts.
N-plane geometry
*Alexander was a general and feared nothing.
Y-Alexander's legacy
* According to writtings it said it took ten years to accomplish getting to greece.
*Many of the stories talked about the gods who acted like mortal men.
* Alexander became king when he was 20.
P-plato's ideas
Z- Zeus
* After he got to greece he started the story of the odyssey.
Q-conqering greece
* Most of the things Alexander did would not be possible if his dad Philip of macedonia was not alive.
E is for Euripides
G-gods and godesses
B is for the Beliefs of the greeks
*Alexander was a hero so that's why we call him Alexander the great.
Z is for zeus
*The greeks believed in the gods they just didn't think of them as all serving gods.
*Zeus is the king of gods and also the god of the sky.
* Euripides were writters for the greek dramas.
H-hellenistic era
N is for plane geometry
*Each city- state has one god or godess as it's protector.
* His weapon is the thunder bolt.
*He wrote his plays in the golden age.
* Even thou the greeks where independent city states they all shared the same beliefs.
* Zeus was married to hera the godess of marriage and child birth.
*The greeks believed that the world was a flat disk floating in the ocean
*His plays starting playing in festivals in 454 b.c.
*Each of the greek gods were assigned to do different activities
*His hobbie other then writting he liked science
* Plane geometry is a part of math that has to do with angles, points, and lines.
pg. 217
Pg. 212
G is for Gods and godesses
F is for Fable
v is for slavery in athens
*King Ptolemy I wondered if there was an easier way to do geometry but sadly there isn't.
*The gods and godesses had great powers but had human qualities so the greeks did not fear them.
* The greeks belived in 12 gods and godesses which live on the top of Mt. Olympus.
* Greek poems and other literture was some of the oldest writting
Q is for conquering greece
* All the greek gods and godesses are related in some way.
*A gate of clouds protects the top of Mt. Olympus.
H is for Hellenistic Era
*Most of the time they used fables for their dramas
*Euclid is the father of geometry because he knew all knowledge about math.
*During that era writers moved to greek cities in southwest Asia.
*That era refers to when the greek culture spread to other people.
*They got the name Hellenistic from the greek word "Hellas" which means greece.
* Many libraries were made. One example is the Alexandria library.
W is for Epicurus
* Fables gave people their way of conducting them selves.
*pg 212 and 213
*Pg. 235
*When Euclid attended school he wrote stories on paparus.
* A fable is a short story principal.
*Slavery was a very common in ancient greeks life and was called normal.
*The macedonians were farmers and were not a very strong kingdom until Philip II.
*Pg 214 and 215
*In most of the athens house holds they had at least one slave.
* Epicurus was a teacher who tought his students to be happy and avoid pain.
S is for sophocles
*Philip II lived in Greee and then came to Macedonia in 359 b.c. That's when he created the Macedonians stong army.
*Epicurus thought that pleasure meant spending time with friends.
*When writters wrote about slavery people would read it and think it was very normal.
X is for xerxes
*The first school he taught at was called the garden.
*Xerxes was the persian king and invaded greece with 200,000 troops.
* The greek city-states came together to fight the persians.
*His name meant king of kings.
*After xerxes died preperations were made for invasion.
*Sophocles was a great writter.
* Epicureanism means love because he waas a very happy and loving man.
*During comedies and tragedies they would talk about slavery because tragedies always end bad.
* Philip II used bribing and warfare when fighting another army.
p is for plato's ideas
* The greek city states at this time were weak and lost battles.
* Sophocles would write about real suffering in his life.
*chap 7
* Because of all his edjucation talents he was able to get a good edjucation and go to school.
* Plato was a teacher and founded a school. Writting was one of the many things he did well so he wrote the republic.
*Sophocles questioned weather to obey and do wrong or disobey and do right.
Ancient greek AbC's
*In the republic he organized it into three groups.
* The republic was the most read peices he wrote.
* Through all his work he cared about woman rights compared to other government rights.