Phase 1: Good Instruction
and Monitoring of Progress
Phase 3: Referral for
SPED evaluation
15 days: assessment plan
60 days: complete evaluation
Phase 5: Eligibility
30 days: develop IEP
Phase 7: IEP
- Implementation of IEP must be done immediately after the IEP has been developed and parents have signed it.
- Team can decide to meet at any time or when any member requests it.
- Documentation of students progress must be provided to ensure that student is working towards achieving its annual goals.
- Goals don't necessarily need to be met in a school year.
- IEP team is responsible for ensuring that the IEP is implemented.
- The IEP Team meets every year to evaluate the implementation of the current IEP and to develop one for the following year.
- This meeting includes:
- Positive and negative elements of the SPED services
- Based on assessments, determine services that will be provided
- New goals
- Data showing student progress
- Every three years the student is required a formal evaluation.
- Determines if the student continues to receive services
- Formal evaluations can be conducted as needed
- Student may be exited from receiving SPED services if it is determined by formal evaluations and assessments.
- Student may continue to receive support through a 504 plan or RTI
Special Education Eligibility Process
504 Plan
- 504 plan is designed for students to support students so they can participate in the academic curriculum at the same levels as their classmates.
- 504 plan defines disability as "physical or mental impairment in which substantially limits one or more major life activities".
Tier 3
Referral for SPED Evaluation
RTI- Tier 1
Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)
Implementation of IEP
- Student will continue to receive Tier 3 interventions. Depending on the results of the assessment; if behavior is a concern a behavior intervention plan (BIP)can be created.
- General Education teacher provides research- based curriculum and instruction to all students in GE class.
- Interventions can be flexible grouping (small group, whole class, partner), speak clearly, use visuals, use sentence frames, ask for understanding.
- Students are assessed 3 times per year including progress reports or report cards.
- Data is collected, and student growth or progress is determined.
- Teacher may recognize a student that exhibits a consistent need or problem.
- Tier 3 provides intensive individual support to students who are still struggling in Tier 2.
- Individualized interventions are conducted by a SPED Teacher or Reading Specialist in a separate classroom for approximately 50 minutes per day.
- Small group instruction (3-5 students)
- If the student still continues to show difficulties after the interventions, the student can be referred to special education evaluation.
- Referrals can be initiated by school staff, student parent, doctor, agencies or anyone who is involved in the child's education.
- In order to begin the evaluation, the school must obtain consent from the parent or legal guardian.
- Once consent is given, the team has 15 days to create assessment plan.
- IEP Team Meeting will be held (within 30 days of completing evaluation) to share the results of assessments and determine if the student is eligible for special education services.
- If eligible, the team will develop the IEP within 30 days.
- Student is eligible if:
- under IDEA the student has a disability that negatively impacts its academic performance
- the students need SPED services in order to successfully benefit from education
- If the student is not eligible to receive SPED services, but still needs assistance accessing the academic curriculum other alternatives are provided.
Response to Intervention (RTI)
RTI - Tier 2
- RTI is a multi-tiered model for learning environment, instructional assessments and strategies.
- Provides:
- High quality instruction
- Research based interventions
- Small group/ individualized instruction
- Progress monitoring that guides academic/ behavioral decisions
- Data that drives instruction and that is applicable to major educational decisions
- Differentiated instruction for all children and learners
Annual IEP and Tri-annuals
- This Tier targets non- responders to Tier 1. It identifies, develops and incorporates other research- based instruction.
- Pre-referral is done by the members of the Student Study Team (SST): parents, teacher, administrator, instructional assistants, nurse, and guidance counselor.
- The team should consider the frequency of the issue, have documentation of the issue and identify if the behavior is appropriate for the child's age.
- Gen Ed. teacher, Reading Specialist or Special Ed. teacher can provide small group interventions ( 3-5 students) in a different class or GE class.
- Progress monitoring occurs more frequent and student can be assessed 2 times per month.
- Interventions can be 20-30 min per day, approximately two to four days every week for at least nine weeks.
- Individualized Education Program (IEP) is a legal document between school district and parents that delineates special education services that will be provided by the local education agency (LEA)(school district) to the student.
- IEP team includes parent(s), general education and special education teacher, psychologist, LEA representative, student (if appropriate )
- IEP team is responsible for developing IEP, evaluating its effectiveness every year and develop any further plans.
- For those students in which behavior is an area of concern, a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) should be included in the IEP.
- Parents need to be provided with a notice of their rights, and the parent consent is needed to implement IEP services.
Basic parts of IEP
- Once parent consent is given, the multidisciplinary team has 60 days to complete the assessment.
- Multidisciplinary team includes: school psychologist, SPED teacher, GE teacher, parent, school administrative, doctors.
- Assessment can't be done unless parent consent is received.
- Most evaluations measure student's intelligence, achievement, behavior, disability- specific, and medical.
- Informal observations, data obtained from interventions, and past student's work should be used in order to determine eligibility.
- Assessment and evaluations must be administered in the language that will provide the best and most accurate information about the student.
- Student profile
- IEP initiation and duration dates
- Special instructional factors
- Transportation needs
- Opportunities for inclusion/ extra curricular activities
- Frequency and method of report of goals
- can include benchmarks
- BIP if needed
- If student is 16 years or older, include transition plan from HS
- Signature page