Pop Culture and Transcendental Thought
By: Russell Allen, Jacob Walters, and Josh Cosby
Miracle Whip Commercial.
Examples Of Transcendentalism
Nonconformity and Free Thought.
Big Yellow Taxi - Counting Crows
These quotes are a great example of Self-Reliance. In the quotes George and Lennie talk about how they are going to own there own house out in the woods and "live off the fatta the lan" meaing they will survive on what nature provides them. When living off the land they will have to depend on themselves and only themselves without help from society.
"Cast Away"
The End!
Cast away is our example of Confidence. Confidence is shown when in the trailer when he says "I rather take my chance out there in the ocean than stay here and die." When he sets up a raft and is willing to take on the ocean it shows confidence that he will get back to his wife.
Importance of Nature
"Of Mice and Men." By: John Steinbeck
George: " O.K. someday were gonna have a little house and a couple of acres an' a cow and some pigs and-"
Lennie: "Were gonna live off the fatta the lan, an have rabbits and cages and about the rain in the winter." (pg.14)
Nonconformityand Free Thought
photo credit Nasa / Goddard Space Flight Center / Reto Stöckli
Free thought is displayed when everybody is saying that Miricale whip is odd and she says "Miracle whip is tangy and sweet not odd." The lady and this commercial is thinking freely and not conforming to what others think about miracle whip. Another way nonconformity is diplayed is by the way she is wearing clothing with color when everybody else is dressed in plain gray colors.
Importance of Nature.
This song diplays the importance of nature when it says "Don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you got 'til it's gone they paved paradise and put up a parking lot." This song is saying that the trees and wildlife have been paved over just for a parking lot. Also that people need to appreciate things such as nature because you don't realise how important it is until it is taken away from you.