Hiwassee River Basin
By: Jada Malloy and Sheley Butler
Water Quality
Aquatic Species/Animals
- The Hiwassee River Basin is home to many plants that are either endangered or rare
- The Green Pitcher Plant - Carnivorous plant that is endangered
Lots of animals that live in the Hiwassee river Basin are endangered
- Three diffrent types of mussles Knotty Elimia, Tennessee heelsplitter and Tennessee clubshell
- Rare types of specias include Fish,Furtles,Snails,and Crayfish.
- Fishing
- Rafting
- Canoeing
- Tubing
- Water quality in the Hiwassee River Basin is good some of the streams drain into mountaines areas.
- Hydropower development has altered some habitats for wildlife and aquatic species.
- Pullutants such as sediment from human activities like mining,agriculture,sivilculture,and urban development.
- 70% Forested
- 3% Urban
- 27% Agriculture
General Description
- http://www.eenorthcarolina.org/images/River%20Basin%20Images/hiwassee.150dpi.pdf
- http://www.ncwildlife.org/portals/0/Conserving/documents/NCRiverBasins/Hiwassee/HRB-FULL.pdf
- http://www.wncvitalityindex.org/water/river-basins
- http://www.water.ncsu.edu/hiwassee.html
- http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/home?p_p_id=20&p_p_lifecycle=1&p_p_state=exclusive&p_p_mode=view&_20_struts_action=%2Fdocument_librar%2Fget_file&_20_folderId=7637041&_20_name=DLFE-53151.pdf
Graph of Hiwassee River Basin flow
Area and Stream Miles
- The Hiwassee River Basin is located in the last county of southwestern North Carolina.
- Cherokee County and Clay County
- 2.6% of the Hiwassee River is in North Carolina
- Part of the Mississippi River Systems
- The Hiwassee River is approximately 644 square miles long
- Total miles covered by streams and rivers is 967 mi
Counties and Municipalities
Topography and Geography
- The river flows through North Carolina, Georgia and Tennessee.
- There are only two counties in NC that are within the boundaries of the Hiwassee River Basin, Cherokee and Clay.
- Goes through three towns in NC Hayesville, Murphy,and Andrews.
- Murphy and Andrews are the Municipalities
Topography and Geography
- Very Mountainous
- Sloppy
- Very Bumpy