Red Panda Behavior
How did it evolve? Develop?
Fun Red Panda Facts
- This behavior could have evolved from their relative the giant panda
- Giant pandas also spray urine to mark their territory
- The behavior could have developed when red pandas are young, they are with their mother a long time so they can get it from her
- Why choose this behavior?
- It is similar to what dogs & cats do
- Something new I did not know about them
- There are several ways they do this
- The coat a Red Panda has helps it camouflage when it is among trees of reddish-brown color
- They use their tail as a blanket when in chilly mountain heights
- Red Pandas are relatives to the giant panda and raccoon
- Like a giant panda they posses a modified wrist bone (acts like a thumb)
Works Cited
What mechanisms causes this?
What does the Red Panda do?
Red Panda Fun Facts
- One of the ways they can mark is by urinating
- Scent- marking anal glands: these secrete a dark pungent fluid that marks territory
- Scents from glands on the pads on the pads of their feet
- Mammal
- Diet: Herbivore (especially bamboo)
- Live: mountains of Nepal & Northern Myanmar, also central China
- In the Wild: Can live up to 8 years
- Size:Head-body: 20 to 26 inches, Tail 12 to 20 inches
- Weight: 12 to 20lbs
- Protection status: Endangered
- They spend most of their time living on trees
- When foraging; most activity occurs at night and the hours of dusk and dawn
- They are shy and solitary, except when mating, and when the young are born
- They are efficient climbers thanks to their semi-retractable claws
What's it survival value?
Mating and new born young
4 questions about behavior
- Mating occurs on ground but females give birth to young (usually two) within a nest on a hollow tree
- Females give birth in spring and summer
- Young are born blind and helpless
- The young stay in nest for about 90 days up to a year
- Young can open their eyes after 18 days of being born
- What are the mechanisms that cause it?
- How does it develop?
- What is its survival value?
- How did it evolve?
- Red pandas are territorial- marking their territory helps them out
- The survival value of marking their territory is that other males will know not to go into the territory that has been marked
- They can sniff and lick the area that has been marked by other red pandas
- There may be times that males may fight other males over territory or mates (rarely happens)
- When meeting males will arch backs & lower their head, they will stand up on hind legs and beat each oher with paws
- Communicating vocally can also threaten others with their "huff-quack" sound
- There is a "twitter" and "whistle" that are used as warning calls