Flex Line
- Overdraft protection can also be linked to a home equity line of credit, which is also referred to as a flex line.
- Charges for flex lines vary but may include no application fee or charges in the first year.
- Additional years may require a fee to maintain the flex line.
Other Revenue Sources
- There are other fees a bank may charge, such as account service charges, safe deposit box rental, ATM charges, insurance sales fees, and trading fees.
Managing a Bank's Portfolio
- Loans make up a large percentage of bank revenues.
- The three general categories of loans are consumer loans, mortgage loans, and commercial loans.
Asset Management
Credit Rationing
- Banks are financial intermediaries. They attract money in the form of deposits.
- Money leaves through loans.
- Bank income is generated through interest and fees.
- Asset transformation refers to using deposits to generate revenue by putting deposits to work via loans.
- Banks can decide on an appropriate customer base.
- Not everyone who applies for a loan receives a loan.
- Sometimes banks will loan someone a portion of the requested amount.
- When banks refuse to provide a loan, or when they lend less than the customer requested, they are engaging in credit rationing.
- By carefully allocating how their deposit funds will be used, banks are maintaining the stability of their portfolios.
Consumer Lending Theory
Off-Balance Sheet Activities
- Consumer loans comprise a specific portion of a bank's loan portfolio.
- Consumers respresent a specific market segment for bank loans.
- Consumer loan theory has evolved as part of the methodology for developing profitable consumer loan portfolios.
Asset Management Cont.
- There are a number of services banks offer that generate revenue but that are not included on their balance sheets.
- A balance sheet is a brief summary that lists the net profit, owner's equity, assets, and liabilities for a company.
- They are seen not only by company management, but also by investors.
- Off-balance sheet activities are not seen by investors and include overdraft protection and assorted letters of credit.
Loan Selection
- Deposits are bank liabilities because they could be withdrawn by a customer at any point in time.
- Loans are bank assets because they represent money that the bank will receive back, in the form of principal and interest payments.
- For a bank to be profitable, it must intelligently engage in asset transformation.
- Revenue from loans is the primary income source for banks.
- Banks are very selective in deciding the type of customer with whom they will do business.
Downstream Loan Profit
Loan Selection Cont.
Modern Portfolio Theory
- Banks do not always keep loans.
- They often sell loans on the secondary market.
- Securitization of loans occurs when individual loans are pooled together.
- These combined loans can then be sold as securities.
- Securitization can occur for any type of consumer loan including vehicle loans, education loans, and miscellaneous loans.
- Adverse selection is the concept that the borrowers who are most willing to accept a high interest rate are the same borrowers who are most likely to default on their loans.
- For example, a bank that sets one price for all of its checking account customers which runs the risk of being adversely selected against by its low-balance, and/or least profitable customers
- Moral Hazard occurs when a borrower takes greater risks if they think the harm they will incur from those risks will somehow be minimalized.
- In 1952, Harry Markowitz developed the concept of modern portfolio theory (MPT).
- Theory states that within any portfolio of investments, diversification should be used to spread out risk.
- Maintaining a diversified portfolio shields investors from downturns in a particular industry.
Additional Sources of Bank Revenue
- In addition to generating revenue from managing loan portfolios, banks generate revenue from charging a variety of fees, for example deposit accounts.
7.1 - Consumer Loan Theory