Reaching the Goal
By: Noah Charen
they occur in areas where many
home ranges overlap. scientists have
identified 18 subpopulations of polar bears in the
circum polar region.
Polar Bear's silhouettes are distinct among
other bears. Their bodies are long and tapered from
their huge round posteriors to pointed, roman noses. their necks are also very long, ehich is helpful when they swim and when they thrust their heads into holes to catch prey.
Polar Bear's brains are as smart as apes,
according to research scientist Alison Ames.
Their success at hunting seals may be a
sign of their brain power.
scientific findings:
scientists used to think that polar bear's hollow
hairs acted like fiber optic tubes and conducted light
to their black skin. Daniel Koon proved this false
Food chain:
The Polar Bear Eats the
ringed seal. Then the ringed seal eats
the arctic cod, and the arctic cod eats
plankton. Then finally the plankton eats algae.
Polar Bear's fur consists of a dense ,
insulating undercoat topped by guard
hairs of various lengths.
It is not actually white, it just looks that way.
Each hair shaft is pigment-free and transparent with a hollow
core that scatters and reflects visable light,
much like what happens with ice and snow.