Solutions #1: More books and documentaries
- "Zoo Story: Life in the Garden of Captives" by Thomas French
- "An Introduction to Zoo Biology and Management" by Paul A. Rees
Solution #2: Animal Sanctuaries
- Nat Geo Wild
- The Colchester Zoo Docu.
- Zoochosis
- Is an accrediting organization that requires member animal sanctuaries to comply with a variety of high quality animal care standards and housing requirements
- Give animals more freedom
- Provides permanent home for animals
Nothing useful for them
- Cannot exercise their intelligence or other skills
- Deprived from natural ability to go hunt or feed themselves
- Are not able to express their urges while being confined
- Lose their natural instincts
- Zoos will never provide the perfect environment for every animal
- Keeps them confined rather than being free to roam
- Prison-like
- 17,000 times smaller compared to natural roaming range
- All in all zoos are not what you think they are. They keep animals locked up and it's unhealthy. That's why we need to stay away from zoos and stop what they are doing.
- We hope you have a different perspective about zoos. If you've agreed with us from the beginning then you are awesome. We won't judge you if you go on a visit there but just keep in mind that the animals are suffering. There are so many fascinating animals that mean us no harm until messed with, who are we to take away their freedom just for a day of entertainment? We say let them be happy and free
10,000 zoos worldwide. 175 million people visit every year
- Zoochoris: The abnormal behavior of animals caused by being held in captivity.
- Due to being bored, depressed, frustrated, and have lack of mental/physical enrichment.
- Enrichment is used to prevent Zoochosis...only works 53% of the time.
Ted Talk: Animal life in Zoos
By: Nathalie Urena & Rebecca Elias
About Nathalie U.
- I am 17 years old
- The school I'm going to is Cal State L.A
- My favorite animal is an elephant
- During my free time, I like to spend it with my loved ones
- I personally chose this topic because everyone needs to see the secrets behind keeping wild animals in Zoos.
About Becky E.
- I am 17 years old
- I plan to go to Mt. Sac for two years and then transfer
- My favorite animal is a cat, preferably chubby ones
- Love listening to music and hanging out with the people I care about
- The reason why I chose this topic is because I do not like wild animals being seen as just "entertainment" in Zoos.