Ano ang SEATO? Bakit ito binuo?
What is SEATO?
- It is also called the Manila Pact.
- It is an alliance of nations to provide defense and economic cooperation in Southeast Asia and the South Pacific area.
- Signed on 8th March, 1854 at Manila, two months after the withdrawal of French from Indochina.
- Original members were Australia, Great Britain, France, Pakistan, New Zealand, United States, Philippines and Thailand.
Why was it formed?
-Basically to strengthen the fabric of peace and to uphold the principles of democracy.
-To provide mutual defense against armed attack and against internal subversion.
-To promote the well-being of the peoples of South East Asia.
The strengths…
-A total of 6,000,000 armed forces.
-Constitute 1/7 of the world’s population.
-Constitute 1/8 of the world’s land area.
-Control on 62% of world’s petroleum products, 60% of the world’s coal production, 55% of the world’s iron ore deposits, 50% of the world’s steel production and 40% of the world’s volume of trade.
- •defensive alliance formed by eight countries: Australia, France, New Zealand, Pakistan, the Philippines, Thailand, the United Kingdom and the United States
- •on September 8, 1954, the delegates of the eight nations met at Manila and signed the South-East Asia Collective Defence Treaty (Manila Pact) where the SEATO is based upon
- the collective defence treaty was needed when international communism was on the march in almost every country in Asia
- •the organization was entirely defensive in its aims and would strengthen the ability of member countries to resist aggression
- •other aims were to improve the economic, cultural and social well-being of their people
How SEATO works
The Council
- •the governing body of SEATO is composed of the Foreign ministers of member countries.
- •The Council meets once a year at the capital city of a member country.
- •They determine policy and review progress in the various fields of SEATO endeavour.
The Council Representatives:
- •ambassadors to Thailand of seven member countries
- •representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand
- •They meet monthly in Bangkok.
- •They are the primary means by which continual consultation is carried on among the SEATO member nations.
The voting formula:
- •a target date for the making of a decision on any particular issue may be fixed by a simple majority.
The Permanent Working Group
- •composed of members of embassies and of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand
- •composed of representatives of the embassies of the member countries and of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand
The Budget Sub-Committee
- •handles budget matters and financial procedures.
- •composed of representatives of the embassies of the member countries and of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand
Expert Study Groups
- •find ways and means of assisting member countries.
- •Helps member governments, as well as non-member countries in the Treaty area, to improve their national development and counter-subversion programmes.
Intelligence Assessment Commitee
- •consisting of delegations from each of the member nations
- •meets every six months in Bangkok
- •consider the problems of Communist subversion and insurgency in the Treaty area.
The Secretariat
- •constitutes the civil organization
- •headed by the Secretary-General
- •he heads a total staff of about 180 and is responsible to the Council when it is in session, and at other times to the Council Representatives.
- •He directs the work of the Secretariat-General and is the Organization's chief spokesman.
- •He is assisted by a Deputy Secretary-General
Special Assistant
- •the third ranking official on the civil side of the organization
- •heads the Office of Counter-Subversion and Counter-Insurgency (OCS)
- •co-ordinates activities of the offices in the Secretariat-General.
Other offices of the SEATO Secretariat General:
Administration Office – this office is concerned with the daily running and financial management of the organization.
Research Office – evaluates and reports on current trends in Communist activities in all parts of the world.
Security Office – concerned with the internal security of SEATO headquarters.
Public Information Office
- •presents facts about SEATO and its projects
- •informs the public about the member countries and conducts an “exposure” programme – that is to say, the exposure of Communist tactics – and engages in countering communist propaganda.
Office of Cultural and Economic Affairs
- •formulates and administers the cultural and economic programmes of SEATO.
- •In 1970, community development work was added to the functions of the office.
The Military Adviser's Group
- •each member nation appoints a senior service officer as its SEATO Military adviser.
- •They meet twice a year to evaluate the military implications of current developments and give directions for co-ordinated defence planning in line with decisions of the council.
- •They are responsible to the Council for the proper functioning of the military planning office.
The Military Planning Office
- •responsible for developing and maintaining up-to-date plans to ensure that the SEATO member nations will always be ready to take immediate and effective combined action against Communist agression in the Treaty area.
Military Adviser's Representatives
- •their most important task is that collectively as a committee they review all important outgoing papers before they are dispatched by the Chief, Military Planning Office, thus ensuring that national positions are taken into consideration at all times
Specialist Committees
- •to assist the Military Planning Office in its task, meetings of various specialist committees are held to study in detail, such subjects as communications-electronics, intelligence, logistics, mapping, meteorology and medical matters relating to South-East asia.
- •it is designed to test a military plan's capability to be implimented.
- •Keep service personnel from all member nations constantly aware of the practical problems of a plan in translating theory into practice.
- •They bring together in the field international staff and forces who are able to further their ability to work together as an integrated SEATO force.
- •Provides the visible proof of SEATO's inherent military capability.
4 categories of Military Exercises:
- •Maritime, involving sea and air forces;
- •Air-ground, in which air units give support to ground forces deployed in the field;
- •Sea-land, involving support of land operations by naval forces;
- •Logistic, which test the capability to provide the material and communication support required for any development.
The Pakistan-SEATO Cholera Research Laboratory
- established in 1960
- It employs more than 800 scientists, nurses, field workers and technicians and is located in Dacca, East Pakistan.
- The United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand, in co-ordination with Pakistan, are contributing to the work and expansion of the laboratory.
The Agricultural Research Project
- The SEATO Agricultural Research Project was launched in 1968 in response to agricultural research needs in the region.
- The Co-ordinator of the Project, provided by the United Kingdom, submitted his report in March, 1969.
- The project was made possible with the financial and technical assistance of member countries, especially the United States, the United Kingdom and Pakistan.
- The buffalo still plays an importantrole in farmingin South-East Asia, but farm mechanization is becoming more common as the farmers.
The Hill Tribes and Research
- The Thai Government’s vigorous multi-facet programme to promote the welfare of peoples inhabiting the mountainous northern region of the country has been receiving continuing SEATO assistance since the early 1960’s.
- Through SEATO, Australia has contributed the services of three anthropologists and an agricultural expert to the centre.
- The four main tribes whose ways of life in all their social and economic aspects are being studied by the SEATO anthropologists are the Meo, Yao, Karen, and Red Lahu.
- The centre, which is part of the Department of Public Welfare, under the Thai Ministry of Interior, also organizes exhibits, seminars and symposiums as a public service and as a means of stimulating exchange knowledge among Thai.
- Thailand’s Hill Tribes Research Centre in the northern city of Chiang Mai was set up with SEATO co-operation.
The Cultural Programme
- is designed to contribute to greater mutual awareness and understanding between member nations; to improve economic and social well-being.
- Launced in 1957, it was reviewed in 1971 by Expert Study Group.
- Restoration of ancient Pimai ruins in Thailand (now completed) was carried out with the assistance of a French architect contributed under the SEATO Cultural Programme.
The Economic Programme
- An Expert Study Group met in 1970 to review the SEATO Economic Programme.
- The Economic Programme of the Organization in general has derived strength from the continued support given to it by member governments.
- An aerial view of a dam at Ban Pa Klang, Northern Thailand, which was built with a grant of $US25,000 by New Zealand under its SEATO aid scheme to assist Thailand’s counter-insurgency efforts.
Community Development
- SEATO has rendered direct assistance in the training of community development teacher and workers.
- The Thai-SEATO Regional Community Development Technical Assistance Centre in Ubon in North East Thailand has provided assistance to village development committees within its service area in constructing village and access roads, water reservoirs and community water systems.
- It has also played a major role in bringing technical assistance to the villagers in the diversification of crop production, in seed improvement and in raising fish, poultry and livestock.
- Community Development workers engaged on a road-building project in Thailand.
The Asian Institute of Technology
- established in 1959
- located in Bangkok, Thailand
- formerly known as the SEATO Graduate School of Engineering
- assumed its new identity last November 1967
- managed by an international Board of Trustees and an Executive Committee
- offers a two year curriculum, taught by an international faculty, leading to a Master’s Degree in six areas of Civil Engineering: hydraulics, structures, soils, transportations, environmental, and coastal engineering
The Military Technical Training School (Incorporating the Motor Mechanics Training Centre)
- Located in Bangkok, Thailand
- Joint Australian-Thai Project
- Provides training for technical supervisors, foremen, skilled workmen, and instructors of the Royal Thai Army, Navy, and Air Force workshops and schools
- Has been expanded to accommodate a Motor Mechanics Training Centre last February 1969
The Skilled Labour Project
- launched to help overcome the shortage of skilled workers in developing countries
- In Thailand, 20 rural trade schools was established with an average total enrolment every year of approximately 8,000 trainees.
- Also, there is a Vocational Teachers’ Training School in Bangkok to make steady progress in training teachers for rural schools.
- The Government of East Paskistan has been expanding the SLP at Mirpur.
- In the Philippines, the SEATO Vocational Industry Textile Training Project has been integrated with the programme of the Marikina School of Arts and Trades.
The Vehicle Rebuild Workshop
- Joint Australian-Thai Military Project
- established in 1965
- has been handling repair and maintenance of Thai military and government vehicle
The Meteorological Telecommunications Project
- initiated by SEATO in 1961-1962
- to improve the telecommunication system for collecting meteorological and aeronautical information in the Philippines and Thailand
- now nationally operated with United States’ continued assistance
The Medical Research Laboratory
- established in Bangkok in 1960
- active in undertaking various projects and investigations into the principal diseases of SEA
- The laboratory has a diversified training programme, which is pursued in conjunction with the University of Medical Sciences in Thailand
- Ranks today as the most advanced and dynamic establishment of its kind in SEA
The Clinical Research Laboratory
- established in Bangkok in 1963
- provides special diagnostic laboratory facilities for patient care, trains electro-cardiography technicians, biochemistry laboratory technicians and others
- cooperated with SEATO MRL on research in Malaria
South East Asia Collective Defence Treaty
- •Signed in Manila September 8 1954
- •Recognizing the sovereign equality of all parties
- •uphold the principle of equal rights and self determination of people
- •strengthen the fabric of peace and freedom
- •declare publicly and formally their sense of unity
- •promote economic well-being and development of all people in the treaty area
Through mutual consent, the alliance was disbanded.
France officially withdrew from the treaty.
Pakistan officially withdrew from the treaty.
SEATO: Then and Now
16th Council Meeting in London.
Seminar on methodology of medical research in conjunction with the SETO Medical Research Laboratory in Bangkok.
Community Development Village of the Year Award Launched.
Festival of films from Member Countries held in Bangkok.
Expert tudy Group on the Cultural Programme met in Bangkok
15th Council Meeting in Manila.
Expert Study Group on the SEATO Economic Program net in Bangkok.
14th Council Meeting in Bangkok.
Report on SEATO Agricultural Research Project sent to Member Gov’ts.
Exchange Programmes on Community Development established.
13th Council Meeting in Wellington.
SEATO Agricultural Research Project launched.
University Equivalencies Convention ratified in Manila.
Seminar on Internal Security in Rural Areas held in Manila.
12th Council Meeting in Washington.
New SEATO Headquarters Building opened by His Majesty King Bhumibol of Thailand.
Seminar on Youth’s Response to Challenges in Asia held in Manila.
France ceased active participation in the treaty.
11th Council Meeting in Canberra.
10th Council Meeting in London.
SEATO Rebuild Workshop established in Thailand.
Seminar on Community Development held in Bangkok.
9th Council Meeting in Manila.
Foundation Stone laid for the New SEATO Headquarters Building in Bangkok.
Exhibition of Muslim Art held in Manila.
8th Council meeting in Paris.
SEATO Clinical Research Laboratory established in Bangkok.
Commission on University Equivalencies held in Bangkok.
Special Council Meeting in New York.
Regional Community Development Technical Assistance Centre established in North-East Thailand.
Conference on Apprentice Training held in Manila.
7th Council Meeting in Bangkok.
Meteorological Telecommunications Project launched.
Conference of Heads of Universities in Karachi.
6th Council Meeting in Washington.
SEATO Military Technical Training School founded.
SEATO Medical Research Laboratory established in Bangkok.
Pakistan-SEATO Cholera Research Laboratory established in Dacca, Bangladesh.
Seminar on Community Development held in the Philippines.
Seminar on Countering Communist Subversion Lahore, Pakistan.
5th Council Meeting in Wellington, New Zealand.
Programme of Annual Scholarship Awards launched.
SEATO Graduate School of Engineering founded.
Special Council Meeting in Washington.
SEATO Skilled Labour Project launched.
3rd Council Meeting in Canberra
Seminar on Countering Communist Subversion in the Philippines.
4th Council Meeting in Manila.
South-East Asian Round Table Conference in Manila
Fellowship and Lectureship Programme launched
2nd Council Meeting in Karachi, Pakistan.
SEATO Collective
Defense Treaty
1st Council Meeting
in Bangkok, Thailand
Founding of SEATO
at Manila, Philippines
South East Asian \ Treaty Organization