Throughout the power point
using the novel Jane Eyre:
1. Analyze the role of women
2.Analyze the role of Men
3. Charlotte Brontes opinion
Gender Roles in Jane Eyre and the 19th Century
By: Katie Godon
How Charlotte Bronte Expresses Her Views of Gender Roles in the 19th Century Through Jane Eyre
Jane Eyre
Mr. Rochester
Blanche Ingram
- Typical 19th century high class women
Jane Eyre
- Against the norm of women from the 19th century
Life of men in the 19th century
- Rights
- Control
- Ownership
- Employment
- Social Class
- Education
- Expectations
John Reed
- Typical high class man in the 19th century
Role of Women in Jane Eyre
The Role of Men in Jane Eyre
Edward Rochester
- Defies the social norm of his class in 19th century
Life of a women in the 19th centruy
- Rights
- Control
- Ownership
- Employment
- Social Class
- Education
- Expectations