“The purposeful application of information in the design, production, and utilization of goods and services, and in the organization of human activities.”
-Business Dictionary
Positive Aspects
Negative Aspects
Job Elimination
Need to upgrade
Improved Human Resource Management
- Technology advances = less workers needed
- Business is transferred to workers in other countries ex Rogers tech support
- Needed to stay competitive
- Increase productivity
- Repetitive cost of new technology and training
- Job advertising using Internet tools
- Candidates apply online for position available
- Screening/recruiting/hiring new employees
- Improved track performance of each employee
- Keeping up with the times
- Adapting to new technology
- $$$$
Cyber loafing/
Cyber slaking
Cyber loafing can cost employers a great deal of money in lost productivity by causing distractions in the work place.
- Online shopping
- Gaming
- Personal business
- social media (twitter,Instagram,facebook)
Encouraged Creativity + Innovation
- Various tools + easy use software
- Easy to communicate + collaborate
- Easy to send + receive feedback
Improved Communication + Document Sharing with Customers + Employees
The electronic leash
- Web/e-mail/text messaging/chat/audio/web/video conferencing
- Social networks share information + reviews about products + services
- Search engines find needed info + products
- Follows you
- The average workday has become longer due to accessibility to workers and clients thanks to emails,pagers,cell phones etc
- blurred lines between home and work life
Positive and Negative Impact of Technology in the Workplace
Automation of Tasks at Work
Diminishing face to face communication
New Ways to Sell, Reach Customers, Expand Businesses
- Increase efficiency
- Increase production + quality
- Decreases price of products + services
- Products + services more accessible for customers
- Diminishes trust
- Workers more inclined to
chat electronically
- Creates impatience in the workplace and everyday life
- Online advertisement
- Online selling
- Online support
- Online training
- Online banking + investments
- Online bills payment
Related cost
>Purchasing new technology >Maintenance
- Without technology businesses struggle.
- Productivity slows down/stops if a technical road block is hit.
- Technology has changed our skill set.
Increased Mobility for Employees
Impact of technology in workplace = more positive than negative
Businesses benefit from increased productivity + global market availability
Employees enjoy a greater working flexibility
Employees find working place more rewarding + creative
- More tools to work remotely or from home
- Work outside business hours reaching more customers
- Communication methods: voice/video/e-mail/text message/chat
- Communication devices: PC/smartphone/tablet/laptop