Types of Schizoid Personality Disorder
There are 4 subtypes of this disorder.
Schizoid Personality Disorder
The causes, symptoms, and treatments of Schizoid Personality Disorder.
What is it?
Schizoid personality disorder is an uncommon condition in which people avoid social activities and consistently shy away from interaction with others.
- Effects more males than females.
- Those who have this disorder, are seen as loners.
3. Depersonalized Schizoid (including schizotypal features):
- Disengaged From Others and Self
- Dissociated
- Disjoined & eliminated
2. Remote Schizoid (including avoidant, schizotypal features):
- Distant & Removed
- Inaccessible, Solitary
- Isolated, Homeless, Disconnected
- Aimlessly Drifting
4. Affectless Schizoid (including compulsive features):
- Passionless
- Unresponsive
- Unaffectionate
- Spiritless
1. Languid Schizoid (including depressive features):
- Marked inertia
- Deficient Activation Level
- Lethargic,Weary
- Exhausted
Risk Factors:
- Having a parent or other relative who has schizoid personality disorder, schizotypal personality disorder or schizophrenia
- Having a parent who was cold or unresponsive to emotional needs
- Being hypersensitive or thin-skinned in your early teen years and having these needs treated with annoyance or scorn
- Suffering child abuse, neglect or other mistreatment
- Medications; There are no current medications that treat Schizoid Personality Disorder specifically, but if you have symptoms of anxiety or depression, you doctor may prescribe a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI). Or while antipsychotics are not a routine part of treatment, they may be used to help with flattened emotions and social problems.
- Psychotherapy; If you feel that you would like to have closer relationships, a modified form of cognitive behavioral therapy may help you change the beliefs and behaviors that are problems for you.
- Group Therapy; Group therapy. A goal of individual treatment may be a group setting in which you can interact with others who are also practicing new interpersonal skills
- Feel little if any desire for sexual relationships
- Feel unable to experience pleasure
- Come off as dull, indifferent or emotionally cold
- Feel unmotivated and tend to underperform at school or work
- The exact causes of schizoid personality disorder are unknown, although a combination of genetic and environmental factors — particularly in early childhood — are thought to increase the risk of developing the disorder.
- Prize independence and have few close friendships
- Prefer being alone and usually choose solitary activities
- Feel confused about how to respond to normal social cues and generally have little to say