The Special Powers of Each Chamber of Congress
By: Briasia Young & Jennifer Guzman
Powers of the Senate
Powers of the House of Representatives
- Power to initiate revenue bills (aka "power of the the purse")
- Power to impeach federal officials
- Power to elect the President in the event of an Electoral College tie
- Sole power to confirm Presidential Appointments
- Power to ratify treaties by a two-thirds vote
- Power to try cases of the impeachment of federal officials (ex: President Nixon)
- Power to disapprove a House revenue bill -- or any bill, for that matter -- or add amendments which change its nature
- Levy and collect taxes
- Call out the militia to enforce federal laws, suppress lawlessness or repel invasions by foreign powers
- Declare war
- Make all laws necessary to enforce the Constitution.
- Establish bankruptcy laws for the country as a whole;
- Make rules and regulations governing commerce among the states and with foreign countries
- Both houses must work out a compromise acceptable to both sides before the bill becomes law