An Evaluation on the ABLLS-R
Advantages Con't
Questions for Discussion
- The ABLLS-R can be used to monitor progress and develop new skill areas as others are mastered
- Provides a method for visually displaying the acquisition of new skills
- This assessment tool may be used on any learner of any age with any type of developmental and/or language delay
- Considers environmental factors that promote individual’s learning
(Gilland, 2010)
(Livingston and Young, 2004)
(Wood Rich, 2009)
- Based on your current/past experience with ABLLS-R what kind of supervision of guidance were you provided when implementing the ABLLS-R?
- Can you think of some effective programs that have resulted from the ABLLS-R assessment?
- Do you feel the ABLLS-R follows an appropriate developmental sequence in order to facilitate effective/meaningful learning? For example, do you feel certain skills are taught before other skills are acquired.
- Based on the advantages and limitations presented how do you feel about this assessment tool compared to others that may be used to assess language skills?
Advantages of Using the ABLLS-R
- The Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills is used to help identify areas to teach, the assessment is completed by using three methods:
1. teacher interview observation skill assessment
- Identifies critical language skills that are needed to advance the development of skills in many areas that require intervention
- Identifies skills in other important areas such as academics, self-help and motor skills
(Gilland, 2010)
(Wood Rich, 2009)
- The ABLLS-R does not provide an age norm or grade equivalency
- Does not compare the learners' skills to their peer group
- The ABLLS-R manual does not specify the assessment's intended age range, nor the length of time it takes to administer it
- Not all of the domains are based on scope and sequence progression
(Wood Rich, 2009)
(Gould, E., et al, 2011)
(Livingston and Young, 2004)
- There are many agencies and schools that use ABLLS-R to assess language skills even though there is not enough current literature that indicates why this assessment should be used instead of other language assessment
- It would beneficial to the numerous practitioners using this tool if further research was conducted to compare or evaluate different assessments including the ABLLS-R and their outcomes that have a direct impact on program planning, goals and objectives.
- Currently, there is no training manual or guideline that outlines how the ABLLS-R should be conducted by the practitioner or teacher, therefore, the assessment may be too subjective in nature if it is not properly supervised or monitored.
Why Review the ABLLS-R?
- The ABLLS-R is frequently used in treatment centers providing EIBI, therefore it is important for the practitioner to have a deeper understanding of the evidence or lack there of to support its effectiveness as an assessment tool
- It is important for practitioner working in the field to choose a comprehensive assessment tool that identifies what skills are present or absent so that the appropriate treatment program can be created and implemented
- Practitioners should look at the ABLLS-R critically by weighing out its advantages and limitations which will be discussed throughout this presentation
(Gould et al. 2011)
Limitations Con't
Implications Con't
- There is a lack of published controlled studies evaluating the usefulness of the ABLLS-R for planning instruction and not enough research is provided to document that the skills are demonstrated by most typically developing children in kindergarten
- Lack of standardization may lead to subjective interpretations by the practitioner administering the assessment
(Bradley-Johnson, Johnson, & Vladescu, 2008)
(Blacklock, K., & Perry, A., 2010)
- Since there are no published controlled studies that evaluate its usefulness in curriculum planning it is important that practitioners question the assessment tools being used critically so that informative, data based decisions can be made and effective programs can be designed to meet the needs of children enrolled in EIBI
(Bradley-Johnson, Johnson, & Vladescu, 2008)
Behavior Analyst, Inc. (2011, March 21). Intro to the ABLLS-R DVD [video file]
Retrieved from on June 12,
Bradely-Johnson, S., Johnson, C.M., & Vladescu, J.C., (2008). A
Comprehensive Model for Assessing the Unique
Characteristics of Children With Autism. Journal of
Pschoeducational Assessment. 26 (4), 325-338.
Blacklock, K, and Perry, A., (2010). Testing the Application of
Benchmarks for Children in Ontario’s IBI program: Six Case
Studies. Journal on Developmental Disabilities, 16(2), 33-43.
Dixon, D. R., Tarbox, J., Najdowski, A. C., Wilke, A. E.,
Granpeesheh, D. (2011). A comprehensive evaluation of
language for early behavioral intervention program: The
reliability of the SKILLS Language Index. Research in Autism
Spectrum Disorders (5), p. 506-511.
Gilland, T. (2010). Using the ABLLS/ABLLS-R to Address
Individual Student Program of Study for Students with Autism
[Powerpoint Slides]. Retrieved from
Using_the_ABLLS_to_Address_Individual_Student_Curriculum.pdf? p=6CC6799F8C1371F6915923A15A6C912B41F3D4A0D6C4620ACE425810048B5EE2
Gould, E., Dixon, D.R., Najdowski, A.C., Smith, M.N., & Tarbox, J.
(2011). A Review of Assessments for determining the
content of early intensive behavioural intervention programs
for autism spectrum disorders. Research in Autism Spectrum
Disorders. 5 990-1002.
Livingston, T. J., and Young, B., (2004). The Assessment of Basic
Language and Learning Skills (ABLLS) [PowerPoint slides].
Retrieved from,Young%20.ppt#1
Partington, J.W. (2006). The Assessment of Basic Language and
Leaning Skills: Scoring Instrcutions and IEP Development
Guide. (3) Pleasant Hill, CA: Behavior Analysts, Inc .
Wood Rich, K., (2009). Easy Classroom Data Systems and Writing
Effective IEP's Using the ABLLS-R [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved
Here is a Brief Video to help Illustrate the ABLLS-R
Click Play to view
Implications for Practitioners
- Since the ABLLS-R is an assessment tool readily used in an EIBI setting it is important for practitioners who use it to remain critical of its advantages and limitations
- It may also be necessary to supplement the ABLLS-R with another assessment tool such as the Verbal Behavior Milestone Assessment and Placement Program (VB-MAPP) that represents an improvement over existing assessment tools such as the ABLLS-R
(Dixon et al., 2011)
(Grindle, et al., 2012)
What is the Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills
- The ABBLS-R is "an assessment, curriculum guide, and skills tracking system for children with language delays" containing a task analysis of skills necessary to successfully communicate and learn from daily life experiences.
- It is based on B.F Skinner's analysis of verbal behavior and focuses on the function of language
- It was designed to assess children with language delays and covers several domains including, language, social, play, academic, self-help and motor skills
(Partington 2006)
(Gould et al. 2011)
(Wood Rich 2009)
By Anna Peitos and Dania Gilmore