Discipline at KIPP SHARP
Some DO's & DON'Ts
- Warning/oral correction
- Change color/document infraction on conduct card
- Time-out/cooling off
- Call parents/Ask for Spanish speaker's assistance
- Seating changes in the classroom/cafe
- Making a publc apology/writing apology letter/draw picture
- Parent Teacher Conferences
- Parent-Adminstrator conferences
- Confiscate items, (cell phones, gaming device, etc.)
- Behavior HEART Charts
- Send Disipline Referral Form with student and buddy to the office
- Admin. decides on withdrawal of privileges, suspension (in or out)
- Don't send students out in the hall by themselves
- Don't send students to the office alone
- Don't wait to write the referral days later
- If the incident happens in FA or cafe, supervising teacher will fill out referral.
- Do not send a child during our lunch time. (12-1)
- Do give warnings
- Do use Time Out
- Use HEART charts
- Change colors
- Mark conduct card
- Do call parents & document phone call
- Do send notes
- Be consistent
- Keep your word
- Notify HR teacher
PK3 - First Grade Discipline - Elvia Rimer
2nd - 4th & Fine Arts Discipline - Monica Barragan
Student Discipline Referral Form
Affective Teaching- Always with Excellence
- Keep extra discipline referrals on hand.
- Please DO NOT send a student to the office by themselves.
- Filling out as many fields on the referral is a must. (ie. First, last name, date, sign, gr.)
- Make sure you sign the referral form.
- Do not use another student's name on the form.
- Please use BLUE or BLACK ink ONLY.
- Make sure the date is correct and current.
- Do not use all caps.
- Do not hold on to referrals as a threat.
- If the student warrants a referral, fill it out ASAP.
- Include contact information by the student's name.